Chapter 7

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When class was finally over Dusty was relieved to let her mind relax once more. She thought about going to apologize to her professor for being late but thought better of it. She knew that her words wouldn't be enough; he'd want proof that she was a serious, dedicated student and the only way she could show that was through her work.

The class had already been assigned a problem, which she was determined to solve that very afternoon, after she'd had a much-needed power nap. As her peers filtered out of the class, Dusty tried to linger nearby, perhaps even connect with someone from her class, and make a new friend, but they were all giving her a wide berth.

Initially she thought it was in her mind, but as she approached a group of girls, they quickly departed. Dusty felt very much the outsider as she came out into the sunshine of the courtyard. The whole area was bustling with activity as students were scurrying to and from class or sitting on the grass, some alone, some in pairs or groups.

Reading, laughing or listening to music, there was so much energy, so much movement, it was exhilarating. Walking with the sun on her back, Dusty wished that Ashley didn't have a class that afternoon. It would have been nice if they could have sat out on the grass and talked and laughed and had fun. But Dusty stopped herself from wishing for an afternoon of sunshine.

She had work to do, had to prove her worth. The old cheerleader Dusty would have wasted the day basking on the immaculate lawns. Dusty-Rose Black, serious student and sorority pledge, needed to get her priorities in order. Dusty began to fear that the old habits she'd cultivated back in West might not be so easy to escape as she'd initially predicted.


Back in her dorm room, Dusty found that both Brad and Ashley were gone. A neatly made pink bed left no trace of the previous night's activities. Dusty sat on her bed and considered going to sleep.

She was exhausted, but the bright light outside made her feel guilty to waste a day sleeping. Emptying her backpack, she decided it would be best to get on with her studies. She moved over to her desk and noticed a stamped envelope waiting for her. Her name and address written in a spiderlike scrawl on the front.

Opening it, she smiled when she saw that the letter was from Valentine.

Dusty, I was so thrilled to get your letter. As if I could ever forget you! You're all I've thought about since you left. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying Princeton. I've no doubt that you'll work hard there and do amazingly well. I'm proud that you've felt confident to be the real you and no longer hide behind secrets.

The real Dusty Black is amazing, trust me, and everyone is going to love her!

West is the same as ever. A new school year has already started, and I've lost count of the detentions I've handed out! But you don't want to hear about my boring school life. I want to hear all about your exciting college life!

Is it everything you hoped it would be? I don't want to sound patronizing and like a mother, but make sure you keep focused on your studies. I know what an exciting time freshman year can be. I myself was certainly no stranger to parties, but remember the bigger goal, while, of course, having fun.

You've worked so hard to get there, make it all count. I'm saying all this when I'm certain you're already top of your class and impressing your professors!

Write back soon with all your student adventures!

Cherry Valentine Quinn

Looking at the letter made Dusty nauseous. She moved it from her sight and doubled over, her forehead on her knees, waiting for the feeling to pass. As she sat there, she realized that she felt sick with guilt. Valentine saw so much in Dusty, saw her potential and the great things she could achieve. The fact that she'd been late to her first-ever class was now making her feel wretched.

She thought also of her father and how he'd react if he'd known. He'd berate her for wasting such an opportunity and tell her to focus and get it together. As the sick feeling finally passed, Dusty looked down at her desk, where her math assignment was waiting to be completed.

Valentine's letter lay discarded on the floor. She wanted so much to sleep, to give her body a chance to rest and recover, but she knew she needed to work, needed to prove her worth. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was one in the afternoon. She had ample time to complete her assignment and rest before Ashley returned from her class.
Grabbing a pen, Dusty settled down to complete her first assignment.

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