Chapter 4

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(When they got home that day)

" was your first day of school..?"

Kyuto came home with red shot eyes, his face dusted pink from the time he cried and a saddened expression held it self against his face

"Complete and utter hell..." Kyuto Muttered, making his two fathers worried 

"W-well....I'm sure it'll be better tomorrow..." replied their second father, trying to make the situation better

Kyuto and Kirita looked at him and groaned in unison

"There's a tomorrow?!"

Miku,the name of their second father smiled softly at the two, knowing what they where probably going through

"Does Ku-Kun wanna tell Papa what happened?" He asked softly making Kyuto look at him all too knowingly

"I-I.." he stammered out feeling the tears weal up against his eyes

"Come now, you're acting like I don't know you Ku-kun , we're your family, it's okay to cry dear..."

Kyuto, look up at Miku and allowed his second father to hug him, and pat his back comfortingly, like a child he snuggled his face deeper into Miku's chest giving himself comfort

Kyuto's eyes widened and he looked up at his girlish father

"Oh no!"

"What's wrong? what is it??"

Kyuto looked down then back at him and sniffed

"Y-you're the uke! I just now found out!!" He sobbed out

"Y-You idiot! Is this any time to be thinking about that???" Kirita yelled out annoyed at the childishness of her younger brother

Toya, chuckled in amusement while as Miku blushed madly, and for once he lost his cool and started to stutter

"W-where, d-did y-you hear s-something like that???"

Kyuto wiped away his tears and let go of Miku, satisfied with his new discovery

"I'm okay now....." he whimpered out innocently

"Don't try to get outta this!!" Kirita yelled again from the sidelines

"Hee-hee" he giggled out while sticking out his tongue childishly

"Don't 'hee-hee' me sir!"

(With the host club)

"No really what'd I do?? I didn't mean to make them leave like that!"

Tamaki was in the corner sulking and feeling guilty for what he's done to the poor twins, as the hosts all looked at one another confusion evident on their faces, except one host who sat with a smirk and a knowing look

"Kyoya-senpai.... you know something don't you?" Haruhi said causing the hosts to look at their smirking mother

"Hm, I might~ It depends.."

"Depends on what?"

"Well, what I will get out of telling you of course!"

They all sweat dropped at the Vice President, except Tamaki who seemed very excited

"Oh! I know mommy! I can give you a  kiss! Father told me I should do that to the people I want to get information from!" Tamaki didn't seem fazed by the blush that seemed to spread across kyoya's face, and the snickers from the infamous twins

"Hehehe, he wants to give mommy a kiss! Are you sure it's not a French kiss boss?"

Tamaki's eyes sparkled as he looked at the now embarrassed and scared host club member

"Are we really going to allow this?" Haruhi wonder aloud

The twins nodded in unison as the club king got closer to their Vice President, they watched them seeing how this is the first time kyoya ever did look so flustered

"F-fine! I'll tell, j-just get him away from me!"

Tamaki smiled and chuckled happily, pleased with himself he sat down on the red velvet couch that lay in the middle of the room

Kyoya lifted his glasses and coughed into his clenched hand softly, trying to regain his cool demeanor

"Well, the Minoko twins, they come from a very high social standing featuring in animal costumes, they're father who is named Toya designs the costumes while their second father makes them..."

"Wait second father? Don't they have a Mom?" Kaoru asked curiously while Hikaru nodded seemingly interested

"No their fathers are what you call homosexual, so a female doesn't exactly fit into the pairing"

The Vice President cleared his throat and opened his book to another page

"Kyuto, which is the younger one out of the two is constantly mistaken for a female, heh, the sister Kirita is older by two minutes, but her height varies with the younger sibling, in other words she's short..."

"Why'd they come to our school so late in the school year?" Haruhi asked calmly

"Apparently they where bullied back in their old school, doesn't say the reason why though..."

The host club looked at one another, creating an uncomfortable silence in the room

"Okay men!"

The hosts looked at their much adored club king as the so called king stood up from his seat and was now pointing at them

"We shall allow the two twins to come to our club and grace them with our presence! This time we will all try not to harm their self esteem in any way is that understood?!"

"Yes Boss!" The twins yelled out

While as the rest of host club nodded

(With Kyuto and Kirita)


"Hmm? What's this? are you two catching a cold?" Miku asked from inside the kitchen

"No, is more like a" started Kirita

"Bad Omen..." Kyuto finished as he wiped underneath his nose

Oh how right they where


Okay that's it for now don't forget to vote and comment if u want to!!

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