Episode one- The Journey begins!

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I do not own pokemon I own my oc Lily and any other oc characters that show up later through out the story. Some things in the series may change but I'll try and keep everything original. Hope you all enjoy!
The Pidgeys were singing their morning songs, while I was finishing getting dress. My light brown hair was all brushed as it laid on my shoulders. As i smiled at my reflection in the mirror. I heard shuffling down stairs. As i grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs. Mom was cooking breakfast while my older brother was reading the newspaper and my younger brother and sister who are fraternal twins gave me an envy look. As a smile grew on my face. I took my seat beside my older brother Kyle. The twins continued talking amongst each other.

"Lily you must be excited. Have you decided on your starter? " Kyle questioned.

As i grew a thoughtful look. Thinking of the starters I started to grow a smile.

"Bulbasaur of course! Just like you Kyle and Dad." I happily said.

Mom laughed as she set down our plates.

"Defiantly like your father. Huh dear? He would be so proud. Oh before I forget Lily dear. I have a present your grandmother gave it to me when I first left home I believe it's time you get it." Mom kindly said.

As she handed me a leather box with carvings on it. As i opened the box on the silk bedding was a rainbow pendant. It was beautiful as I put on the pendant I looked at the time seeing it was only seven in the morning. But I really wanted to beat the other trainers. I stood up eating a piece of toast as I looked at my family.

"Well I'm off have to beat the others. Especially Gary and Ash!" I cheered as I rushed out the house.

While I was walking towards the Professors lab. My mind wandered, but I did not mind I enjoyed my thoughts and they were all pleasant to.

The town was quiet as many people were just waking up, as I arrived at the lab. I kindly knocked on the door. As the door opened the professor looked at me with a shocked expression as he glanced behind him.

"Hello dear, you realize it's Seven twenty correct?" The proffessor questioned.

I nod my head smiling happily.

"Yes sir, but I wanted to beat the others so I could get the pokemon I wanted. You see I was hoping for a Bulbasaur and I'm sure if I was late I would not have got him even though I be okay with any pokemon. You were to offer me." I kindly said with a smile on my face.

The professor had a thoughtful look as he grew a smile.

"Than in that case come on in Lily dear. Since you are the first to come you get to choose either Bulbasaur the grass type, squirtle the water type, or Charmander the fire type." The professor said.

I grinned as I grabbed Bulbasaurs poke'ball.

"I choose Bulbasaur come on out!" I cried, tossing Bulbasaurs Poke'ball in the air.

Out of the Poke'ball appeared a tiny green dinosaur looking monster with a plant bulb on its back. As he looked up at me smiling and letting out a cry. I bent down picking him up happily.

"Your so cute from now on I'll call you Vine. Alright?!" I said.

Vine smiled as he nod his head licking my cheek. I giggled happily as the professor smiled as he handed me my Pokedex and Poke'balls for my journey.

"Thank you Professor have a great day!" I cheered as I ran out carrying Vine.

As i ran down the steps I saw my family at the bottom smiling up at me with a few of the town's people. My smile grew wider as I walked down standing in front of my mom. The twins were grinning and Kyle had a proud look.

"Well dear it's time remember to call also becareful. An Remember in order to be a good researcher you must make the bonds with your pokemon strong." Mom said kindly.

As i looked down at Vine who was still in my arms. My grin grew bigger as I hugged him closer.

"I know mom. Take care all of you!" I cheered as I ran off quickly to route one.

My dream to be a researcher is coming true. To be the best trainer their is that's my goal. As Vine and I walked down route one together their were wild pokemon everywhere. Vine was enjoying himself as we walked in sync. As the time went by the closet we were to Viridian city. But before Vine and I arrived, I wanted to try and search for another pokemon friend to travel alongside with. As i scanned the area their weren't any signs of a pokemon. I sighed in defeat ready to continue when vine grabbed my attention pointing with his Vine at a Meowth that was on the ground in a heap. I grew a curious look that's when I noticed it was injured. I ran over with Vine behind me the meowth cried out trying to get up. As i slowed my pace gently kneeling down to its level.

"No need to worry buddy. My names Lily let me help you." I kindly say taking out a potion from my bag gently spraying his wound.

"Their better?" I questioned smiling.

Meowth gave me a shocked look as it nodded its head. As Vine smiled at meowth and I sat down taking out some food for the two pokemon. Meowth gave me a confused look as I smiled.

"Go on you must be hungry." I urged.

Meowth nod his head again as he happily ate the food giving out a happy cry. I giggled at his reaction as Vine was happily eating. Once we finished our lunch I stood up ready to move on but before I moved I stared up at the sky noticing a small pinkish pokemon fly by. I grew a curious look than a smile appeared on my face. So many new pokemon to discover that's what I want to accomplish! As Vine and I said our goodbyes to meowth. We started to head to Virdian city. We heard meowth give out a cry as he ran on all fours to catch up and jump into my arms nuzzling my cheek.

"Would you like to join Meowth?" I questioned smiling.

Meowth grinned nodding his head as he touched one of the Poke'balls and was captured. Vine and I smiled at each other happy to have another friend on our side. As i returned Vine into his Poke'ball I continue towards Virdian city glad to be close and it's only the afternoon!
Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter mores to come and a lot more action since the first chapter didn't have much action.

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