Natsu-Sitting •Part 1•

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I opened the door by somehow turning the knob with my foot. My arms were occupied trying not to drop the Salamander that was slowly crushing my shoulders. I entered Happy and Natsu's house, stumbling slightly as his weight nearly made me collapse. "Happy, tell me again why you can't carry him?" I whimpered, looking back at the blue cat that followed us in. Outside, snow fell and created a sleek blanket on the ground. I would've been enjoying it if I was by a fireplace, drinking hot chocolate instead of dragging a man through it.

Happy was dragging Natsu's pack across the threshold. He closed the door, silencing the howling wind before he dropped onto his stomach. "I'm too tired from carrying him all over that town. My magic's too drained to fly, let alone carry him more." He curled up on the floor and used his green bag as a pillow.

The three of us had went on a job that was halfway across the country. It took us 4 days to complete, aside from the two days of traveling. Taking down a small bandit gang that was scattered across a town was not as easy as I had thought. Happy was right, he deserved to take a rest for carrying Natsu and me throughout the battles, but so did I.

During the assault with the last of the gang, Natsu slammed his head pretty hard and I was pretty sure he got a bad concussion. And his motion sickness and concussions do not go well together. The train ride was miserable for both him and me. I managed to knock him out by giving him some sleep medicine that a nearby mother offered.

I groaned. "Well, I'm tired from carrying him here from the train station." I turned back to see a couch. My weak limbs couldn't resist. I dropped onto it, not caring about Natsu's weight's attempt to crush me.

I laid there, Natsu draped over me like a rag doll but his body heat warmed my shivering skin. And the couch was so comfy. "Just five minutes," I murmured, closing my eyes.

Not more than five seconds passed before Natsu groaned loudly, "My head." He stirred for a moment.

I sighed. The medicine couldn't last a little longer? I tried to sit up but Natsu remained limp as if he was still asleep. "I know you're awake. Now get off." I muttered. The dragon slayer slowly rolled off of me onto the cushion to my left.

"Luce, why are there three of you?" He questioned, squinting at me. I rolled my eyes and stood. He wasn't going to be able to be left alone with Happy being equally as tired and sore from the job. I really didn't wanna remain here, since I still had many errands to run.

"Natsu, I'm gonna go-" I was interrupted as Natsu hugged my thigh.

"No!" He whined, "Don't go. I can't do crap on my own now! Please stay! I'll owe it to you, I promise!" His grip on me wasn't loosening and I would definitely be a jerk if I just ditched him. I would go get Wendy but she was on a job as well with Erza and Gray, all still out of town.

"Okay, okay." I sighed, "I'll stay."

"Yay~" He sighed as he let go, dropping lazily onto the pillows. I walked over to Happy and carefully scooped him up in my arms. He was already passed out. I laid him on a fluffy pillow where he started to purr contently.

I then returned my attention to Natsu. "You can't stay there, you know." I walked over to him and crossed my arms. "You should get in bed."

Natsu groaned in response. I clenched my fists then got behind him and slid my arms underneath his arms and started to drag him back to his bed. Once I was beside it, I looked down at him, "How am I supposed to put you to bed if you won't even lift a finger?"

His head fell back, big puppy eyes meeting mine. "Just please don't do it by touching my head. It feels like there's a hammer trying to break my skull." He whimpered softly. I didn't have time to fully treat his or my own cuts and bruises. When we finished our last battle, we jumped onto the first train that left for Magnolia.

I managed to get him into the bed and aferwords, my muscles were screaming for rest. But he and Happy needed me so I just kept going.

I walked over to his pack and pulled out the needed medical supplies to treat our wounds. I walked back and took off his overcoat, treating his wounds first. I noticed he got beat up pretty good as I bandaged his torso, head and bicep. This was a little difficult since he, again, refused to move. I really wish I had more of that sleep medicine just to stop his compaining. I moved on to Happy and bandaged his head before treating my own wounds.

My injuries weren't as bad as Natsu's since he took most of the blows, but I got my fair share. I hissed gently as I cleaned my cuts with alcohol and bandaged the parts of my body that needed it. I sat on Natsu's bed and released a long sigh.

My feet ached from the journey. My muscles throbbed from carrying Natsu. I needed rest.

I laid on my back with my head on the uninjured part of Natsu's stomach, who was now sleeping. I would much rather lay like this than lay parallel with him and wake up to him spooning me. I knew he was a cuddle type of person.

And I was laying beside him and not on the couch because his house was unoccupied for a week in the winter cold. In conclusion, his house was freezing. There were no blankets aside from the one underneath him, which I couldn't access. But even if there were blankets around, I'd be too tired to get them. Besides, he was a fire dragon slayer. Hence the word fire. Fire meant warm. He was warm. I wanted warm. I curled up against him, trying to ignore the chill in the air as I slipped into unconsciousness.


NaLu OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang