Chapter Five: Klere?!

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Hello guys. Sorry for the wait! Here is Chapter five. Don't forget to comment and let me know if there any grammar errors.

Bonjan Kè is suddenly woken up by banging on the steel bars.

"Wake up Vantian scum. Time to get to work."

The stocky man pulls at the extended chain yanking him out of the cage.

"Today you will go to the transporter. Your job is to pick up boulders and carry them over to the mule wagons. Understand?"

"Chained or Unchained?" Bonjan Kè asks.

"That depends. What will you do if we unchain you?" The man asks while pulling out a rusty key chain dangling the keys in front of Bonjan Kè.

"Kill you."

The man looks taken aback by Bonjan Kè reply.

"I thought you Vantians didn't kill?"

"Only when there are family to protect."

Bonjan Kè says looking down at the man.

"Aren't Eklerajians your family? Are you willing to kill an Eklerajian?"

"Yes they are my family, but you are neither of Ekleraj, Lapli, nor Vante. So you're fair game. I am pretty sure some of my people came through here that you gave the same treatment as I."

The man face burns red.

"Your own so called brothers are enslaving you Vantians. You willing to look the other way as they kill you all! Chained! Have him move those boulders chained! I don't care if he dies!"

The man storms away angry. A guard wearing white exoskeletal armor holding a sword that appears to have some type of reddish glow around it's hilt points the sword at Bonjan Kè and says, "Move Vantian."

Bonjan Kè looks at the man with the one yellow pearl above his right eye.

"My brothers have lost sight of the past, therefore their future shall be destroyed."

For a week Bonjan Kè was given no food, nor any water. He was to lift boulders and transport them to mule carriers that would be hauled off to stone crafters. He was made to carry the thickest of lumber trees and to swim in dangerous waters full of sharp teeth fish that eat flesh. He was to go to bed late and get up early. Throughout it all he stayed emotionally intact. Patiently waiting for his chance to escape.

At the tenth hour before daylight, Bonjan Kè is sleeping in the cage when something hit the bars. It is Lot Yon Sèl banging his sword on the bars. The electric sparks from the sword hovered around the bars for a few moments before disappearing.

"Vaaaaaannnnttiiian, I have a present for you," Lòt Yon Sèl says in a playful voice still with the creepy unfriendly smile plastered over his face.

He holds up a young Vantian boy that has an mixture of white and orange cotton hair and light brown skin. His face is spurred with blood. However, his cat like eyes are steady and strong with no tears.

He's one of Etwal Limyè gasons. He went through the training. For a ti gason to be mentally strong at his age in this situation it's admiring. Limyè did a great job.

Pain strikes through Bonjan Kè chest as thoughts of Wi, and his family runs through his mind.

"Let's see if this child has the strength of Vante also," Lòt Yon Sèl says.

Lòt Yon Sèl takes the child and scraps a knife across his face leaving a long cut. Blood runs down the little ti gason face. He winced at the pain but did not cry.

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