Chapter 2

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A/N:  Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a nice New Year's Eve and a good start to 2014. Here's more fluffy Johnlock for my lovelies!

I finished a fic that I've been reading for months and I'm in so much pain. It hurt almost as much as "Alone on the Water." That was over 500,000 words of feels. I can't. I'm dead. I need to write fluff to make it better.

I have no idea where all this story is going to go yet. It might get a little angsty eventually just for the sake of a conflict in the story. It will still be a lot of happy fluff.

Life has been hectic, but this is important and I have a lot of fun writing it so I will continue to update this regularly. I'm aiming for at least once a week (maybe twice) and then eventually fall into a pattern of like every Friday and Monday or something. No idea yet.

I hope everyone is still enjoying this story about the cute new relationship between our boys. It's fluffy. It's happy. It won't tear apart your heart like "Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust" will (it's still a very good story though... beware of smut and angst. If you don't mind that, go read it!)

John's P.O.V.

-a week later-

Sherlock has been acting a bit strange lately. He seems tense and uncomfortable around me now. What's gotten into him? I've tried talking to him about it, but whenever I do, I don't know what to say. I just freeze up and change the subject. I really should confront him because he's acting completely unlike himself. 

Speak of the devil. Sherlock walked into the room and sat down in his chair opposite mine. This would be a perfect time to say something. He's watching me and will know I need to ask him something so I should just get it over with...

"Hey, Sherlock. I need to ask you something..."

"I know. I also know that you've wanted to talk to me about it for some time now since you've tried several times to start this conversation and then changed the subject each time. I'm guessing it's about my behavior lately. Honestly, I wanted to talk to you about it, too."

"Well now that that's all out in the open, where do we start? The part about you acting weird or the part about me having no idea what to do?"

"John, I... I really have no idea how to put this into words. I always know how to explain things. I always understand them. This is like a war going on inside my head; I want to be with you and that makes me incredibly happy but at the same time I'm terrified that something will go wrong and I'll lose you. I've tried to balance those emotions, but I fear that I have gone too far in one direction and was too distant from you. I am sorry."

"That's what love is, Sherlock. You're completely mad about someone and you're scared of getting too close because you don't want to lose them. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere. You can believe me when I say I feel the exact same way about you and I have confidence that nothing bad is going to happen between us. I'm the only one who truly appreciates everything about you and you're  the only one who thinks I'm not just ordinary John Watson."

"In that case, my actions were foolish and I am truly sorry for acting distant for the past week."

"You don't have to apologize. I understand, really. This is your first real relatiohsip and everything is new to you. I'm trying my hardest to be patient and understanding and always there for you when you need me."

"Thank you, John."

I pull Sherlock in for a kiss and smile at him. He's so inexperienced when it comes to relationships and its honestly adorable. He gets this expression on his face like a confused puppy whenever he doesn't understand something that has to do with emotions. 

"I love you, you clueless genius."

"And I love you, you smug... oh I don't know. Look at me, the king of comebacks, and I have no idea what to call you. I need something slightly less than 'wanker'."

"I'd hope my own boyfriend wouldn't call me a wanker. Is that what we are? Or is there another title you would prefer?"

"I would prefer 'partners' since 'boyfriends' sounds too casual."

"Right. Yes. I think we'd said that before and I forgot. So umm... is there anything else to address while we're on the topic of being all open about our relationship?"

"There was one other thing I've been meaning to talk to you about."

"Yes, Sherlock?"

"I, um, have no idea what to do if things... progress."

"Progress how...? Oohhhh in that sence. I won't ask you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. We can take things at your speed and wait to move on until you're ready. No matter how long it takes, alright?"

"I've just been concerned about that and I can't help but overthink what may happen in the future."

"You have nothing to worry about. You can set the pace for everything we do. I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way."

"Thank you again, John."

"You say that like you wouldn't expect other people to be this understanding. It's just part of being a decent humam being to me."

"And that is one of the many reasons why you are remarkable."

This man thinks I'm remarkable. I still can't believe that. The most extraordinary person I've ever met thinks I'm remarkable. I have no idea what I did to earn that, especially coming from Sherlock Holmes. I bloody love this man. 

This chapter was a bit longer than the last. Sherlock and John have addressed some of the problems of their new relationship (more happy feels to come in the next chapter). Now that that's out of the way, they can move on to having a more serious relationship with less of the awkward bits.

My goal is to have the next chapter up a few days from now. I've been working on them a little bit ahead just so I don't have to write it all at once and I have time to edit. 

I love all of you who are reading this and I hope you are still enjoying this story. I'm still having a lot of fun writing it and will continue to update regularly. I will see you next update, my lovelies.


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