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            I used to see the world as if there was only hate. Bad events happened all around me, and not only just around me, but everywhere in the world. I always thought that the world revolved around hate; not love. I would only see the bad things in people, and in myself too.

        I've grown up with a very hateful and spiteful family, and after a while I lost full hope in everything. I was my worst self; I never loved people, and I would make sure they never loved me. What's the point of having people love you when you wouldn't give it back in return? Exactly, there is no point. Or at least, there wasn't.

           What do you do when you and the people around you are full of hate, and someone enters your life with plenty of love to go around? You have to learn to love too if you want them to stay. Now, I'm allowed to say that is very hard for me. I started to loose all of my feelings years ago, I stopped caring. It's hard to love anyone when you're empty, and known as the schools depression, emotionless freak.

             When someone comes into your life that you never thought would, and starts to pull you out of the dark, you get scared. If you're someone who has been rejected and bashed on your whole life, you might find yourself stopping and thinking, "is this a joke?". After that, you start to push yourself away from that person who is really just helping you. Let me give you a piece of advice: don't do that. It'll just make everything ten times harder.

               When you feel yourself crashing, and falling for this person, what do you do?

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