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*Three years later*

•Kira POV

I'm sixteen now. And its been three years since the car accident. Three years since my sister has been gone. Three years since Alec and me have seen Liam, Louis, and Zayn.

I have actually started to lose hope that they will come back. But they promised me they would come back. They gave me the necklace as a promise they would be back.

Now only if I can feel where I left it on my dresser. I know I placed it there when I went to take a shower. And let me tell you something taking a shower when you blind is not fun. Especially if a certain someone, Alec, moves your things around.

Anyways back to finding my necklace. The necklace is very important to me. Its the only hope have left that the boys will come back.

"Pookie, have you seen my necklace," I shout. I feel my way to the door. I hear footsteps come over to me.

"No. Why bother looking for it anyway? They are never gonna come back," Alec says angrily.

He has been taken this harder than I have. He has given up hope that the boys will come back. He thinks we should forget about them. I can't though. Those guys saved my life. I can't forget that.

"Alec, I know your upset about not hearing anything from them but they saved my life. I can't just drop them from my life like they never entered it. Now please give me back my necklace," I say tiredly.

I'm just so emotionally drained from arguing with Alec and crying from the nightmares I get since the accident.

"Fine," Alec sneers. He grabs my arm forcefully and drops the necklace into my hand.

"Thank you, pookie," I say happily. I stretch my arms in front of me and wrap my arms around Alec and hug him.

"Yeah. Yeah. C'mon we are gonna be late for school," he says. Ha like he cares if we are late or not.

Let's just say Alec and me aren't popular at school. We get bullied a lot. Just because Alec's gay and I'm blind.

Thankfully, they don't beat us up. But they do trip us and shove us. They also say harsh words to us like name calling and stuff. I don't really want to get into that.

Its mostly the jocks, cheerleaders, and rich kids who bully us. Besides bullying us they bully the smart kids and goth kids. I don't know why they do it. We live in a small town and nobody cares if you on top or not but apparently our school does.

We arrive at school with five minutes to spare. We decide to start walking to first period. I bet your wondering how I get around school. Well ever since the accident my parents have asked the school to put me and Alec in the same classes. Which they did so Alec and me are always together.

The bell rings and we walk into first period, which is Math, without running into any of the bullies. I really hate math because its hard to calculate numbers when your blind. Especially when it's time to take tests. Luckily, I have Alec with me. We take are seats and Alec helps me. Then our teacher starts the lesson.

•Alec POV

Kira and me are seated in the back so we can avoid the popular kids. Sometimes I think Kira is lucky to be blind. She doesn't have to see the mean things that the popular kids do to us. I wish they would just stop.

There is nothing wrong with being gay. Its okay to be gay. I smile at the thought. That's what Zayn told me. I frown. No, I don't want to remember them. They made a fake promise to Kira. And I hate them for it.

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