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*Kira POV*

So its been a month since we took Alec in. I couldn't have been more happier. I don't care if he's gay. He is still my best friend. Besides, he told me when we were twelve that he was gay. I accepted him because that's who he is and now I have a shopping partner.

Today is my sister Sara's birthday today. She eighteen and man is she old. Just kidding. My sister is beautiful but somehow she is single. Anyways my sis wants to go buy ice cream.

"Kira, do you want to go with me?," my sister asks. Duh I want to go, I say in my head. I nod my head.

"Let me go tell, Alec," I say before jogging up stairs.

"Okay. I'll wait in the car," Sara slightly shouts.

I go to Alec's room and open the door to see him watching The Hunger Games. I run and jump on the bed beside him.

"Hey, pookie!" I yell. Yes I just called Alec pookie. That's his nickname I gave him. His nickname for me is boo.

"Hey, boo," he says laughing. See.

"Me and Sara are gonna go get ice cream. I just wanted to let you know. You can go back to fangirling over Josh Hutcherson now," I say smirking.

"Did you just call me a fan girl? Do I look like a girl to you?" Alec says with wide eyes.

"Yes, you do," I say ruffling his black hair.

"That's it," he says," you're gonna get it."

"Oh really. Come and get me then," I say. I run out of the room and run downstairs. With Alec hot on my tail.

I almost made it to the front door when I felt Alec's arms around me; he lifts me up and throws me on the couch. He gets on top of me.

"Now your gonna get it," Alec says with a smirk. He starts tickling me.

"Aah!! Alec stop it!!" I yell while laughing.

"Say your sorry for calling me a girl," he says still tickling me.

"Okay. Okay. I'm s-sorry for calling yo-u-u a gi-i-irl. Now p-p-please stop!!" I say still laughing uncontrollably. He stops and gets off me. I take a deep breath.

"Well I will be back in a bit. So bye pookie," I say able to breathe now.

"Bye boo," Alec says before he kisses my cheek and goes back upstairs.

I shake my head at him and head out the front door. I go to Sara's car and open the door. I slide in.

"What was taking so long?" My sister said slightly annoyed.

"I called Alec a girl and he chased me and he started tickling me," I say. Sara just rolls her eyes. She starts the car then we're off.

We were about five minutes away from the store. It had started raining and we really couldn't see anything.

"Do you think we should keep going? We could pull over and call mom and tell her," I say a bit nervously looking out the window.

"No its fine we are almost to the store. We'll be fine?" Sara says unsure.

I decided to send a quick text to Alec.

To Pookie:

We might be a bit delayed cuz of the rain.

I hit send. And not to soon after my phone starts ringing. I see it's Alec. I answer it.

"Are you guys gonna be ok?" Alec asks.

Ours Forever(1D/5SOS fan fic)AUWhere stories live. Discover now