six ; darcy black

Start from the beginning

She saw Black find its way to Harry's throat. "No," he hissed, "I've waited too long—"

Thank god for Hermione, whose foot swung out of nowhere to kick Black away from Harry. Darcy tried to get up, but she was pushed back down by her lack of energy—she knew she should've grabbed a snack.

Sirius was being pounced on every direction. Ron ended up being thrown to the floor as a ginger cat had been kicked by Harry. The scene shifted, and Darcy finally gained the energy to stand with the support of the moving wall.

"You killed my parents," Harry said, his voice shaking slightly with his wand pointed steady at Sirius's throat.

Darcy's eyes were staring intently at Harry's hand—her breathing hard with fear. What was he doing? She wanted to speak so badly. This was wrong—she wanted to speak—

Black stared up at Harry with those sunken eyes. Darcy saw for a moment, sadness.

"I don't deny it," he said very quietly. "But if you knew the whole situation—"

"The whole story?" Harry repeated, the wand was held tighter and Ophelia's ears sharper. "You sold them out to Voldemort. That's all I need to know."

"You've got to listen to me," Black said, and there was a note of urgency in his voice now. "You'll regret if you don't...You'll kill me in front of Vega...You don't understand..."

The mention of her birth name had struck Darcy harder than it should. How it sounded on his lips, the urgency...It didn't make sense how the man the ministry had painted as a mass murdered could have the need of urgency and care enough to mention his half-blood daughter—Sirius Black married a muggle woman...How twisted could he be to kill eleven of them?

More than ever, Darcy was confused and very light-headed from lack of food consumption.

The place was quiet as Harry stood with his wand still pointed at Sirius. Suddenly, the appearance of Crookshanks leaping onto the man's chest. It stayed there and Black blinked down at the cat.

"Get off," he murmured, try to push Crookshanks off him.

But the cat wouldn't give because his claws sank down deeper inot he robes of Sirius Black. The cat gave Harry a look. To his right, Hermione gave a sob.

Darcy intently watched Harry wiith narrowed, unfocused eyes. She worried that his anger would get the best of him. She worried that Sirius Black wasn't innocent—that Ophelia had been on his side since the beginning. Darcy didn't want Sirius to die—and it shocked her because all evidence did point to him. It strangely reminded her of Ron accusing Hermione's cat of eating his rat, even though the rat was still alive...

Her thoughts were disrupted when Harry's wand was raised. As the seconds became a minute, he did not move. Black stared up at him. Could Harry be experiencing the same confusion as Darcy?

Though, there were multiple muffle footsteps. Darcy glanced below here, as they were on the second floor.

"WE'RE UP HERE!" Hermione suddenly screamed. "WE'RE UP HERE—SIRIUS BLACK—QUICK!"

Black made a movement that could've thrown the cat off. Harry gripped his wand so tight, his fingers were beginning to numb. Darcy noticed the frantic look on Harry's face.

Darcy wanted to speak. She wanted to speak! Her mouth was open and she was panting. It was odd at first, because she thought she heard herself—she looked at Harry, her mouth moving to form the words—no. It was hopeless. She can't.

The door to the room burst open in a shower of red sparks and Harry wheeled around as Professors Lupin and Black came hurtling in the room, both of their wands raised and ready. Their eyes flickered to Ron, lying on the floor, over to Hermione, cowering next to the door, to Darcy, gripping the wall for support, to Harry, standing there with his wand covering Sirius Black, and then to Black himself, crumpled and bleeding at Harry's feet.

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