3. Merry Christmas!

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Begining may be really bad becuase nothing was really happening that was drama or anything, but toward the middle it got exicting!


I woke up by the bliding light of the sun peeking into the mine and Joey's room, and Jet's piercing scream.

His arm was wrapped around my waist with his mouth slightly a-gapped.

"Joey, wake up." I said to him, "It's Christmas, I think Jet is going to explode in the next 5 minutes if he waits any longer."

He stirs a bit, but than flutters his eyes and sits up.

"Merry Christmas, Baby." He kisses me.

After he does, he reaches over and grabs him camera. Probably to vlog Christmas and all. It's cute how he captures every moment of his life, it's like he could look back on this in 20 years when he has kids and a wife and just go through memories.

"Hello there everyone! it's now Christmas morning and jet won't shut up because he wants to see what Santa got him." He explains. "Sabrina and I just woke up and u don't know about you."

I cut him off "but I'm feeling 22?" He glares at me knowing because he hates that song. "But I'm tired. We didn't go to bed until 3am and it's 7. I hate jet lag." he continues.

Suddenly Jet comes running into the room and starts jumping on the bed screaming for us to get up and go downstairs. We both start laughing and attempt to get up.

"Alrighty than. I guess where going down stairs to open presents! See you chickadianyas!" he kisses my check and Than shits off his camera.

"Let's go before he explodes of anticipation." Joey says.

Once we get downstair everyone is there waiting for us, but they don't seem mad. 

We sit down and everyone is passes around gifts with their names on it, and handed their stocking. 

I'm not part of the family so I dought that I'll get anything, but I could honestly care less. I'm just happy that I'm here spending it with people I love, it may sound cheesy, but it's the truth.

Zapping me out of my thoughts I see Mom (I call Joey's parents Mom and Dad- because I don't know their name, does anyone else know? I know Sandra.) upfront of me holding a stack of gifts. 

"For me?" I ask, when I say a stack, I mean about 10. I look at her and them in shock.

"Dear, your apart of our family, of course we will buy you stuff." She handed them to me with a smile. 

I thank her, than start to pass out hwat i got everybody. 

When we were about to open them, Mom's husband (I don't know his name, sorry.) stops us. "We have to wait for Nicole and Joey's Dad, Sandra, and the family to come." 

I look at Joey, and he just shrugs at me than continues to type away on his phone, probably telling everyone on twitter a Merry Christmas. 

Soon enough everyone arrives and even more presents are giving out. I feel bad because Joey's cousins are here and I didn't get them anything, so I quickly snuck into our room and took $80 out of my wallet and gave them both $40. 

"Dad, could you record this?" I hear Joey whisper to Dad, but not too low becasue I could hear it. 

He walks over to me and gives me a large box with sparkly blue wrapping paper, and a neon green bow ontop. 

I start unwrapping it, but feel violated becasue everyone is looking at me. Do you ever get that feeling when ever people are looking and watching you, you just want to cry. That's me right me, I hate people looking at me. All of my insecurities come out. 

When all of the wrapping paper is off, I unbox the wings of the box and open it.

My head sinks down and I see a tiny note in it. I reach inside, grab then note, and read it. 

'Merry Christmas, baby. You may be wondering why this little note is inside a large box. Well, if you look up, you'll understand what your real gift is. Love you! 


I look up to see Joey down on one knee with a diamond ring in a velvet box. 

My hands are brought up to my mouth and I coud feel the tears briming in the corner of my eyes. 

 "Sabrina, I fell in love with you from the moment I layed eyes on you. I never believed in love at first sight until I met you. You taught me so much and you cared for me no one has ever cared for me before. Your my savior, my angel, my light at the end of the tunnel. Without you, I'd just be Joey. But when I'm with you, I'm more than joey, I'm your joey. Would you do me the honor of being Mrs. Graceffa." 

No one has ever said the most beautiful word to me before. I nod my head, saying yes. Joey's face lights up and he places the beautiful ring on my ring finger. 

I'm going to be Mrs. Graceffa, 


Before you comment anything, this sucked. It was all what people did and talking, I promise the next chapter will be MUCH better, and as you all wished, sexual ;) 

This is going to be so awkward to read! :D Lol 


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