2. Chilly Boston

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"Sabrina, are you finsihed?" I heard Joey call from downstairs.

We're, well, I am. Packing up to go to Boston for the holiday this year! Joey and I stopped by my parents hosue last night, we did a little gift swap and had dinner. I guess you could call it a pre or earlie christmas, but it was really nice talking to my mom- it's been a long time since we talked, just the two of us.

"Yeah, I'm coming down now!" I shout back.

I picked up my large luggage, my purse, keys, and shoes than head downstairs.

As I approch the living room, I see Dad, Sandra, Nicole, and Joey waiting for me. Opps.

"Sorry." I mumble.

Joey takes my hand and we leave after saying goodbye and Merry Christmas to Sawyer and Hitch.


"It's freezing out!" Joey complains as I snuggle into his body for warmth and nod in agreement.

It's freezing here in Boston, we're both shivering. I know we're not used to the cold temperate yet but I feel like I'm in the Arctic with no cloths on.

"You wouldn't be cold if you'd let me guy you that coat last night." He scolds.

"Are you kidding me." I argue back.

"What?" he sounded confused.

"It was $400! Even if u did buy it, I wouldn't of wore it. Please get over it babe, it's just a coat. I have one now." I didn't want to argue because we were walking out if the airport and I didn't want people looking at us if we fought.

He huffs and we all pile into the car that was waiting for me.

Once we get in, I see jet and Joeys cousin, Amanda.

"Hello!" she greets us with a warming, welcoming smile.

We greet her back and we continue to the house.

Last night, Nicole and I we're talking about what we got everybody. I explained to her that once we land in Boston, I needed to go shopping because I thought it was silly to bring everything with me on the plane and pay an outrageous amount of money for it.

Amanda stops the car outside of the house and we all get out and make our way inside. When we step in, the warmth hugs our bodies and the smell of cookies greet our noses.


"What does jet want?" I ask Nicole.

We're at toys are us and it's completely packed! I guess parents didn't get all what they planned to get.

"Uh, dad got him a xbox. Maybe another controller or a game?" she replies.

Perfect! I know his parents don't like shooting games, maybe hole in the wall? or Just Dance?

Once I made up my mind, witch was just dance, we walked to the register.

I got Nicole- $50 gift card to urban outfitters l, Sandra- a cool book, Dad- a north face coat, and Joey- a new camera lens that he's been asking for.


I'll update tomorrow or Thursday! I hope you all have/had a wonder Christmas.

I enjoy writing this! Lol.

Quick question: should I add sexual parts or not.

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