1. Story Teller's Premier LA

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Begining of this chapter is crap, but the rest is good!


Digifest just ended and it was amazing!

Joey and I've met a lot of fans. Surprisingly they wanted to take photos with me and some asked me questions.

Sadly, all fun must go to an end.

Right now we're getting ready for Joey's first premier for Story Tellers! We're both supper exicted and I'm very proud of him, he and his cast have worked so hard on it. 

Right now I'm desiding what I should wear, I want to look fancy but not too fancy, if that made any sense. 

My choices are beteween a short black dress that's tight at the top, and flowy at the bottom, or off the sholder black and white lacey dress. 

As I bring the beautoful dresses up to my body in my wall mirror, Joey walks and he lays on our bed typing away on his phone. He's already dressed, so he's waiting on me. 

"Witch one?" I ask.

"Huh?" He askes sitting up and sounding confused,I roll my eyes. 

"Witch dress? Black and flowly, or the lacey one?" 

He places his left arm over his stomach, while his right hand is resting on his face. His pinky, ring, and middle finger are on his chin, his pointer finger is placed on his jaw bone to the side of his nose, and his thumb is pressed aganist his jaw. 

"I like the black one, it'd look sexy on you." He smirk at his comment. 

"Well Mr. Graceffa, if you think it'd look sexy on me, won't you be worried that boys would stare at me?" I tell him. 

I dought that any boy would even look at me anyways, I just said that to get him mad.

Joey gets up and makes his way over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. His lips are so close to my ear that it send me shivers down my body that make me crave for warmth. 

"I don't mind if people look.... only if your on my arm. It'd make everyone jealous that your mine, and not their's." He whisper into my ear.

I shift my head onto the sholder that Joey's chin is not resting on. I keep my head down to hide my red face. 

After a few more seconds of enjoying eachother's comfort, he pulls away.

"Babe, put the dress on. We gotta go, I don't want to be late for my own premier." 

I giggle and walk into the bathroom with my dress, and silver pumps in hand. 

(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=107773413 <--- Outfit!- Also on the side/multimedia) 

As soon as I was done, I checked my make-up, put on pepermint lotion from bath and body works, and sprayed my flowerbomb perfume that Joey got me for my birthday last year. 

I walk out of the bathroom and slip on my ring-lit braclets, my promise ring that Joey gave to me- I only take it off when I take a shower and do lady things. I also put on a that Joey's little brother, Jet,  got me last year for Christmas. It had a silver teddy-bear on it, it's too cute. 

 "Ready?" Joey asks standing in the doorway, I nod and we walk out to the car. 


 "Look! They have your faces on them!" I squeal at the cupcakes that are upfrount of me! 

Stacey really went all out! 

"Stacey this is amazing!" I praise her as I look around at the decorations, and every detail.

I love interior designing, and styling clothes. It's one of my dreams to become one, everything I see I can picture it looking the way I want it in my head. 

"Thank you! It wasn't much, just location, and who to make what." We both continue laughing and talking until it's time for the showing of Story Tellers! 

Joey and I make our way to our seats and lace our fingers together. Nicole, Joey's dad, and Sandra come from Boston to come to the permier so they was sweet! I took a seat beteween Nicole and Joey, but after 5mineutes when everyone was seated we got up and made a speech about the making and how thankful he is for all of this. 

It's the next day and the permier is over with. It was amazing too see him doing what he has wanted for such a long time. 

Currently Nicole, Joey and I are at the grove getting coats for when we go to Boston.

As we're going down the esculator, Joey take out his vlogging camera and starts recording. 

"Hello everybody, it's the next day and I'm at the Grove with Nicole and Sabrina." He points the camera at us and we wave.

"Me and Sabrina are getti-." I cut him off. "Joey, It's Sabrina and I!" I scold him.

He just rolls his eyes and continues to talk. 

"What ever, Sabrina and I are going to get coats 'cause it's going to be chilly back home." He looks back at me when he says Sabrina and I, bastard. 

He continues while Nicole and I talk about what we got everyone for Christmas and just catching up. 

We walk into a store where they have pricy coats but I refuse to try one on, I'm not paying $400 for a coat that I'm going to be wearing for a week. 

"Come on baby, I'll buy you it." I shake my head. "Think of it as a earlie Christmas present from me!" once more I shake my head. 

What does Joey do? He takes out his camera and I roll my eyes, it's one of those nights when I'm not in the mood because of a monthly visitor. 

"Hello everybody, Sabrina here is being baby and won't let me buy her a coat." He explains. 

"That's because I'm not letting you pay $400 for a coat that's going to only be worn once! It's useless, I'd rather buy something shitty for $50 than throw away." I argue. 

It seem to me that I'm making a good statement and he won't buy it for me, score! But it's silly just to spend that much. I understand if you live in cold climates, and buy a coat that's warm and will last you a long time for that amount of money, but other than that, no. 

"But-." Before he could finish, I throw my hands in the air and walk out of the store. I'm not playing around with him, I don't feel good. 

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