Part 6

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It's been one week, one week of no louis and one week of harry feeling like complete shit. He gave his heart away and Louis just toke it spat on it and threw back in his face. Everyday has been the same, the sad part was that everyday hasn't been the same since louis walked into his life.

He goes to school, helps out organising the prom, goes home does homework and goes to sleep.

What hurts the most is that he still loves Louis, he could see himself with Louis forever. Both of them would grow old in their house that they bought before getting married. It's a white house with white picket fence, they also have a cat and dog because Louis loves dogs. Maybe they'll two or three kids.

Louis broke his heart but he still loves him with all the broken pieces.

Harry sniffles as he attaches the prom flyer to every locker, soon he'll have to send an invitation to each senior. People were already asking each other and harry felt like death. He rejected at least five people today, they weren't Louis.

He goes home, eats dinner with his mum and dad and they don't even realise how sad harry looks, how he hasn't probably eaten anything for so long. They don't know that louis means more to him then a friend. He wants to cry even more. He goes up to his room and goes under his covers, away from this cruel world.

He closes his eyes and tries not to think about Louis, he fails.

"knock knock"

harry doesn't even have to look to know who it is "go away niall"

" i can't my friend is in need of me"

Next thing he knows niall is lying on top of him and he wont budge when harry tries to push him off "i wont move until you tell me what's wrong"

harry sighs

He tells him everything and after it harry is in Niall's arm, crying. He cries and cries while niall just rocks him, whispering that everything is going to be fine, harry knows it isn't but its Niall and for niall life is sunshine and rainbow and lollypops.

"love wins" niall murmurs " you two love each other. Don't tell me louis doesn't have feelings for you because the boy looks at you like you hang the stars like you're his whole world"

harry sniffles "love always win" he agrees

"it doesn't matter what age, what gender, what colour what religion, if you find your special person you can't let them go"

"what are you saying?" harry asks confused

niall sighs "Aren't you supposed to be the smart one between us?" he doesn't let harry speak, he hands him Louis jacket, harry forget that he even had it in the first place.

"i am telling you to go get your boy"

He pushes harry off the bed and climbs and lyes down, niall puts a movie on his laptop, before he leaves he gives niall a kiss on the cheek and rushes off, he passes past his mum who calls out to him and to his car.

He gets to Louis house in less then five minutes, he was so close to getting a speeding ticket, he doesn't see louis truck instead a unfamiliar black SUV is parked there.

He knocks three times, he hears heels clicking from the inside before the door opens revealing louis mum, harry knows how she looks like even though he's never met her. Louis has a whole album on his phone dedicated to her.

"Mrs tomlinson, hi. Um is louis home?" he asks

The woman looks at him for a moment and harry realises that she's probably wondering why he's wearing her sons jacket, she just smiles "please call me jay" she says, she has blue eyes too harry notes but not even close to Louis shade of blue.

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