Part 5

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Today was not going to be a good day, there was so much things to be done and so little time so when harry walks in year book Liam is chewing someone up, he's not surprised.

"these picture's aren't going to cover two pages" Liam growls

"this all we got, what am i supposed to do?" the girl asks

"that's your job to figure it out, draw something. I don't care as long those pages are filled"

Harry shakes his head and make his way to his table, he was in charge of senior quotes and so far all he needed to get was about four students(Louis being one of them) and he was done, Liam joins him after a while " why did i decide to do year book again? ?"

"because you need the extra credit" harry reminds him

"so where were you last night?" Liam asks

"studying" harry lies

"that's funny because i swear i saw you and that freak at the park"

harry bites on his tongue "don't call him a freak"

liam just sighs "its sad that you're ditching your best friends for someone you don't even know"

"i do know him Liam, would you just drop this" he nearly shouts, because he can hang out with anyone he wants "what's gotten into you today?" he asks

"it's senior year harry, after this who knows when we're going to see each other. Instead spending time with us you're wasting it with what's his face"


"i don't care"

harry is angry now, today is not the day, Louis is not even in school and he is angry and liam is just adding more fuel to the fire.


Liam face softens and he places a comforting hand on his knee except there's nothing comforting about it "i am sorry harry"

"it's fine, don't worry about" it's not fine but harry can't fight with him anymore, he's mentally drained.

"it's just a bad day, is all" liam adds, he looks down and plays with hem of his blue shirt "apparently they put me on waiting list or something"

" oh shit"

Liam chuckles "oh shit, is right. Now i am going to have to apply to another college and since i am late there's no way i'll get in"

"liam, this is not so bad" harry tells him

"yes it is, it's a fifty percent chance. I don't want fifty percent, i need to know i am getting into that school"

"Liam, look we can add stuff to their application" liam just rolls his eyes

" you'll tell them that they're your first choice, we'll get you another recommendation letter"

"are you sure it's gonna work" liam asks hesitating clear in his face

"we're gonna make it work" harry tells him

"thank you harry"

Liam hugs him, and then he pulls a crumbled paper out of his pocket before handing it to harry who just looks at it confused. "i wasn't going to show you this but as a friend i think you need to know"

harry opens the paper to reveal a page from the year book but this one is from when they were in the fifth grade "what is this?"

Then his eyes land on a familiar blue eyes, why does this twelve year boy look so similar? he reads the name 'Louis Tomlinson' under the picture -

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