# whatever

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INSPECTION IS IN THREE DAYS. IM NOT READY FOR THIS. inspection is on my flipping birthday guys. I have to stand in front of them and brief the inspectors on how good of an s5 I am. I slack waaaaaay too much. I mean the stuff I need to have done is done but I did it pretty last minute. I heard through the grape vine that the platoon we're prepping for inspection isn't going well. The color guard is said to be looking good. The only upside to this is the fact that I get out of class most of the day. But it really isn't an upside because I've practically missed all of 1st period last week and I'm failing ap literature (she needs to put in test grades) but progress reports come out Monday and I'm not ready for it. My mom probably won't let me go visit my dad. (How can she not let me visit the parent that has full custody of me???) also my "love life" is terrible. ((The guy I mentioned many many updates ago has been out of my life for awhile. [good riddance])) but I had a recent relationship and the boy told me a month with me wasn't as good as a week with his ex so we won't be the best couple. Lmao what. That was interesting. There's a boy that I met at jclc that I still keep in touch with that is pretty cool but I don't wanna do anything bc all of my relationships fail and he's so nice and pure. And also I am well aware that I am a terrible person for never ever updating. But that's a quick rundown of life literally right now. Whoo hoo.

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