I Fell For You

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I know I fucked up at the start but,
I fell for you and my mind continuously begs my heart to get up.
I try to stand on two shaky legs But the weight of my soul has become just too much to bear.
The rips and tears in my heart have become too much to mend.
I try to close my eyes but I’m continuously haunted by your smile.
My heart yearns to pull your body close To get wrapped up in your lyrical verse.
My mind craves the sound of your voice I try but I’m left with only one lyrical choice,
I need you,
I need you,
I need you.
My soul feels alive when I’m caught in your gaze.
I let go of my fear and convince my heart to be brave.
It’s too early so I won’t let this feel like love.
I can’t help but want to be your dove, sailing on the winds of your emotions.
A dolphin's riding the waves of your devotion In the ocean that is your heart.
Why can’t I just let these feeling pass.
My world is spinning way too fast,
I’m lost,
you find me,
I’m lost again.
Your eyes draw me in but my fears push you out.
Why did we have to find each other now The timing couldn’t be more wrong.
Fuck this.
You still sing my heavenly song, a melodious rhapsody.
Into this abyss I fall to thee I’m floating on your words.
This is weird, I’m lost in three different worlds
I’m happy,
I’m sad,
I’m confused
I wish time would cease to tick So I wouldn’t have to lose.
Wishing amour shall cause our hands to fuse So I never have to let go.
So I’d never have to say,
So long
I’ll see you soon
Spiraling into this lonely doom.
Save me.
Set my soul free.
Unlock this prison that keeps our feelings so skillfully hidden.
Rescue my heart It’s calling out to you.
I’ll understand if you block me out I can sense your fear,
I know,
I understand,
I agree Even if the fates tell us we aren’t meant to be.
I know you feel this too.
Now do you understand this torment that I’m going through?
I am overcome with boundless affection.
You have captured me with intellectual perfection.
Beating hearts, tempted souls feelings which weren’t supposed to grow But yet,
they did and,
I see it clear.
I wish you near.
Wrap you in my arms breathe in your scent.
Countless hours in thought I’ve spent in a state of mental disorder.
Your smiles and face inhabit the center,
and every border of my heart willing our threads never to part.

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