I wonder

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Saddened and at the end of the road
False hope is my only comfort
If I just hadn't
Maybe things would have turned for
The better
My heart, torn, Battered
And bruised
I lay at night in the soft light of the moon
ingulfing myself in a bittersweet mood
My mind racing with utterly crude words
The voices that attack me seem rude
Though I've grown to believe.
I believe each and every
Scornful and venomous sentence
That they conjure
And in these words I must ponder

What would life be like,
Had I not been here any longer?

What would have happened,
Had I taken my life that night?
Take a step back and
Push the chair from beneath my feet.

What would have happened,
Had I dug the razor just a
Little too deep

I wonder,
I wonder

What might have happened Had I swallowed those pills?
Or if I'd jumped off that cliff.
What would have happened if I'd just ended it all?
Would anyone give a damned if they
Thought it wasn't a fall
What if he'd never made that call?
If he wasn't quick enough to catch me before I fell
I'd surely end up in hell
Hell was better than the place I am now
I love them dearly,
I love them all
Sometimes I just can't keep on living.

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