Little Me

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Little me oh,
Little me
At times I wonder, think and
Ponder what life would be
A world without me
What it would seem had I not come
To be
Oh little me,
I question myself,
Like a cracked and worn doll on a shelf,
Why am I here?
For life to look me in the eyes
To take away my privileges
To fill me to the brim with all their lies
Oh little me,
Look back into my eyes
Meet me with an even stare
Tell me I look happy, feed me more false truth
Keep up with life's little ruse
Tell me what you see
Inside of little me,
What do you truly see?
I am not happy, not what I seem.
But if my outside were to gleam,
No one will see, my broken seam.
I am incomplete, Not a whole,
Just a piece
Broken down inside
I smile to hide the truth, I play along
With life's worn old song
Just like,
Little me.

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