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He hummed as he watched the lively people walk into the church from the shadows. The tree bark made a quiet rapping noise as he tapped his finger against it. He took his hand off of the tree to run one finger over the shiny blade in his other hand.

A small smirk played on his face as two more people showed up. A woman and a boy. He had no interest in the woman but the boy... He must have been around twenty, with a lean figure and dark sex hair that messed up as the wind blew. Interesting. He would have to approach this boy later. But he didn't have time for that now, he had business to attend to. But it didn't hurt to stare at the boy's ass as he walked into the church.

Slowly and quietly, he began a mantra of words, pointing to different people.

"Eeney meeney miney moe..."

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