Chapter 6: Unsavoury Revelations

Start from the beginning

"Quite a fancy place you have here," he said casually, surveying the chesterfield sofas flanking one side of a large cavernous lobby, with it's high domed ceilings, marble floors and crystal chandelier.

He noticed the uniformed concierge and security man standing by the front desk too.

These digs were obviously top rate.

"Thank you," Sierra said again, "Shouldn't we be on our way? I suppose you have reservations,"

Dan nodded, "Yeah, but here's a little something I got you first,"

Sierra seemed genuinely surprised when she looked down at the rose in his hand, along with the heart shaped box of Belgian chocolates he had bought from Harrods. Dan felt like a dumb ass for being so corny, he hadn't done anything like this since high school, but Sierra's slow smile at seeing his presents went a long way to quell his embarrassment.

"It looks like I owe you yet another thank you, doesn't it? These look yummy," she said, eyes sparkling.

She took the gifts into her hands, and turned towards the concierge desk, "Peter could you please come here a moment,"

The young, good looking security guard standing by the reception desk, rushed over immediately, smiling like a moron.

Dan didn't appreciate the way he looked at her, but there was very little he could do about it, yet.

"Would you please hold onto these, I'll pick them up when I get back,"

"No problem, miss Davis," the smarmy bastard replied, "Have a nice night,"

"You too, Peter, see you later,"

"Ain't he a little too smiley for a security guard,"

"Don't be silly," Sierra laughed, "That is his job,"

"Hmmfff" Dan grunted.

He still didn't like the way the guy was staring after them as they walked towards the door, with Sierra lightly holding onto his elbow. But Dan told himself to cool it, better not show his possessive tendencies so early in the game.

Funny this had never been much of an issue for him before meeting Sierra. But her so much as smiling at another guy made him clench his teeth in rage, the bitter taste of jealousy rising in his throat like bile. It was inappropriate, subconsciously he knew that, but it was damn hard controlling it. Dan didn't know her well, and she didn't know him either, this was a first date, so why then did he have this rush of proprietary ownership flood him whenever he was with her? It had happened in the club with that guy Scott and it was happening again.

Dan fought the frown trying to work its way over his face, and kept his expression neutral, as they went out into the crisp night air.

They walked by the water fountain in the front courtyard and out onto the pavement, where his rental was parked.

"Is this your car?"

Sierra sounded impressed as he held open the door to the Bentley.

Dan smiled, glad he had gone the extra mile.

He helped her inside the sumptuous leather interior and they were off a minute later. The car drove effortlessly past the closed shops and Cafes dotting Ealing Broadway. Traffic was heavy but he had fed the address into the Sat-Nav, before coming here, it whizzed to life the minute they joined the motorway, with clear directions.

"Do we have far to drive,"

Dan glanced over at her, enjoying the way she sat so stiff and straight on the front seat beside him. Even in the roomy confines of this car, she looked wound up. He wondered just what would finally get her to drop her guard with him. The uncomfortably burgeoning tent in his trousers gave him a few lurid idea's but he had a feeling voicing them wasn't such a good idea.

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