Part 2

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"Well we wouldn't be in this situation if you two wouldn't have bumped into us!"

"Well maybe if you two weren't just standing at the end of the line like a bunch of idiots we wouldn't have bumped into you!"

"Aren't rebels suppose to be well trained."

"I could say the same for you. Palace guardsman my ass!"

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP FOR A DAMN SECOND!" the Pharaoh finally snapped at the four sitting in front of him. All of them froze and looked away from each other.

"Calm down." Yugi whispered rubbing Atemu's back lovingly. Atemu took a deep breath and rubbed the sides of his head.

"Please... one at a time, explain how the incident occurred. Make sure to use as much detail as possible." Atemu said when he calmed down. Bakura went first "Well your Majesty, my comrade and I were just minding our own business when those two." he pointed over at Ryou and Malik. "Attacked us. So naturally we defended ourselves."

"That's not what happened at all and you buffoons know it!" Malik yelled and glared at Bakura.

"Enough." Atemu said harshly, stopping the fight before it even began. "Marik, do you agree with Bakura?"

"Yes your Majesty, Bakura and I were standing in the food distribution line talking battle strategy. "


"I'm telling you a rhino would destroy an elephant!" Marik argue as they walked threw the food line.

"Your dreaming, an elephant is huge, plus it has to giant horns growing out of the side of it's face! A rhino would be trampled and killed in an instant." Bakura countered. Marik stopped dead in his tracks at the front of the line, "What! A rhino can charge and ram the elephant before that stupid creature knew what hit him."

Bakura was about to start yelling when someone ran into him and hot soup poured down him back. He quickly turned and punched the person behind him in the face in rage.

"Hey! Don't hit Ryou like that!" someone who looked like Marik yelled and jumped on Bakura. Marik started pulling his look-a-like's hair trying to get him off of Bakura. "Ryou! A little help here!" Ryou jumped on Marik's back and started punching his face.

"You Palace guards are disgusting, walking around like you own the place just because you know how to kiss the pharaoh's ass!" Malik hissed out pinning Bakura to the floor. Bakura quickly used his size to his advantage and flipped them over so he was on top.

"Like you rebels can talk, I've seen the way you act around your shrimp of a leader. If anyone's kissing ass around here it's you!" he spat.

"Hey! You four stop!" Another royal guards man said breaking up the fight.


"That's not what happened! We didn't attack you! We bumped into you on accident, you-" Malik pointed to Bakura."Punched Ryou in the face before he could even say anything, you inconsiderate piece of-"

"Malik, calm down now." Yugi interrupted not looking happy in the slightest bit. Malik bowed his head "I apologize, I don't know what came over me." he said as if he were reading it off a piece of paper. Bakura and Marik snickered right next to them.

"And you both will also apologize to Ryou and Malik." the Pharaoh's voice was loud and clear.

"WHAT!" Bakura and Marik shouted looking surprised. "But we didn't do anything-" Atemu put his hand up stopping Marik mid sentence.

"Bakura you punched Ryou in the face first, and Marik, you didn't do anything to stop the fight. You just jumped in and made it worse. I trust that this won't happen again." Atemu said with a threat heavily implied.

Bakura and Marik looked at each other and sighed. "I apologize for punching you in the face." Bakura grumbled towards Ryou. Ryou remained quiet and didn't even look in Bakura's direction. Bakura felt something rumble in his chest, it was almost like... guilt. He quickly shook off the feeling as quickly as it came.

"And I'm sorry for pulling your hair, Malik." Marik smiled a very twisted smile. "I hope we become better... friends in the future. Wanna hug?" his smile was very twisted and obviously fake.

"Uhhh, no I'm good." Malik started scooting closer to Ryou.

"I'll decide all of your punishments in the morning." Atemu said getting up off of his throne, he stretched out his arms and back. "Let's go Yugi." he yawned and started walking. Yugi followed close behind him, grabbing his hand to pull him down in order to kiss his cheek lightly. Atemu smiled and stopped to kiss him on the lips.

"They make me sick, walking around like a bunch of love sick puppies." Bakura whispered to Marik.

"I heard that!" Atemu shouted, but continued to walk with Yugi to their chambers. He was to happy to care at the moment.


Once they got to their room. Atemu stated taking off his crown and jewels. "What are we going to do with them. I swear it's like I'm babysitting children."

Yugi came up behind him and hugged him around the waist. "We'll think of something, to be honest I think they just need to learn to work together." He pulled away so Atemu could take off his tunic.

"I agree." Atemu said. once he got his tunic off he pulled Yugi towards him and started kissing lightly down his neck. Yugi giggled "Atemu, stop it that tickles and we need to talk about how we're going to deal with them."

"Don't wanna." Atemu mumbled into yugi's neck. Yugi rolled his eyes, "Honestly, dealing with you is like handling a child." he teased.

Atemu scooped him up and set him on their bed. "Yeah, but you love me." he climbed on top and started taking off Yugi's jewels and crown.

"Wanna bet?" Yugi said obviously joking, but Atemu stopped and looked him deep in the eyes before kissing him lovingly on his pink lips. The kiss soon got very heated as Yugi responded by tangling his fingers into Atemu's hair and pulled him closer.

When they broke apart Atemu let his forehead rest on Yugi's as they both regained their breath.

"I'd bet my life on it."

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