The Day His World Changed

Start from the beginning

"How dare you not make the cut!" She screeched, and he felt something sharp hit his shoulder. He swallowed thickly and ran his tongue across his chapped lips before daring to speak.

"The cut for what, my Queen?"

"To go to Auradon Prep!" She screeched, and another bruising hit was given to Ace. The Queen of Hearts was breathing heavily, almost snarling like a ferocious beast as she hit him again and again. "You were my one ticket out of this dump, and you don't even get qualified!! All your friends were chosen, but were you? NO! You are just a waste of space, you useless card!"

Ace flinched, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to try and stop his tears from falling or his voice from shaking. "I apologize, my Queen. I will try to be better." He said, feeling like he was dying inside and cotton had been shoved into his mouth. His friends had been chosen to go across the barrier? They were going to leave him here, all alone?

"Dear, please! Ace did nothing wrong, after all. He didn't even know they were choosing villain kids!" His father said shakily, walking over to his wife's feet and starting his climb to her shoulders. "B-Besides, they said only the most evil villains' kids would be going! That means they think you are sweeter than them, isn't that lovely?" King of Hearts said softly, leaning towards his wife's ear so she could hear him.

"They do?" Queen of Hearts asked, shocked, as the red drained from her face.

The King of Hearts smiled, nodding quickly. "Yes, they do! They think you are a wonderful girl, and didn't want to part you from your son so soon!" He lied, but it seemed to work as Queen of Hearts blushed and looked bashful, giggling as she did.

"Oh, that's so sweet of them!" She said bashfully, before her eyes fell on Ace and she frowned for a moment. "Ace!"

The boy's flinch was miniscule, but there. "Yes, my Queen?"

"Get out of my sight! I don't want to see you again until Maleficent returns with the others!"

"Yes, my queen." Ace said, quickly standing and walking as calmly as he could up the stairs and to the room he shared with Jay and Carlos. He went over to his bed and pulled out a first aid kit from underneath it, opening the box and pulling out anything he might need. He took off his jacket and his shirt, going over to the girls' room next door so he could borrow their mirror.

When he looked into the mirror he saw his eyes pink and slightly puffy from holding back tears, and his left cheek was bright red and swelling a little. His right shoulder was bright red as well, a small thin line of darker red cutting across it. His body was covered in faded scars and fresh cuts; fading bruises that left his body aching. Turning around, he bit his lip when he saw all the new bright red splotches covering his pale skin, surrounded by more scars and bruises. He sighed and began to care for his body, taking a small amount of pain killer to dull the ache that would be appearing at some point.

By the time he was done mending the forming bruises on his body and covering the cut with a bandage, he could hear Maleficent coming in with the others close behind. He went back downstairs to the lounge, sitting down on one end of the couch. He felt someone tapping his leg and looked down to see his father holding up a small bag of ice. "Here, Ace. For your cheek." He said softly, and Ace smiled slightly.

"Thanks, Papa." He said softly, lifting his dad up and setting him next to him before taking the bag of ice offered and pressing it to his cheek.

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