Chapter 1

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          As I open my eyes the bright light nearly blinds me. I quickly shut them back and search around blindly for my lamp's off switch. Finally, after sometime my hand brushed across the cool plastic of the power button. When I was sure that my corneas were safe from being fried I sat up in my small twin sized bed and looked around.
             Everything looked just like I had left it the previous night. My drawers still over flowing with clothes, all of my random doodle filled papers still strewn over my worn computer desk. Even my phone lay unmoved from its place charging on my small bedside table. Something still looked... off. 'Maybe I'm just imagining things,' as soon as I formed the thought I realized that my presumtions were wrong. It was way too bright out, usually it was still pretty dark at five. 'Shit,' that meant that I was late, and on on my first day as a senior at a new school no less! When I checked my phone my fears were only confirmed. I lept out of bed threw on some clean clothes and made a dash for my car barely shuting my car door before backing out of my drive way. I thought it to be pretty strange for school to start on a Thursday, but oh well.
              As soon as I arrived I took off in a dead sprint towards the front office. The secretary directed me to room 228, choir. I rushed upstairs and as soon as I saw the room I slowed to a slow walk  to prepare myself for the most probable embarrassment. As I neared the door I saw a name plastered to the shiny wood; Ms. Thomas. I gave myself a mental peptalk, 'Okay, relax, it's second period, your a new student, and you simply woke up late, breathe.' I mustered enogh courage and opened the door and walked in.
             Surprisingly, nobody seeemed to notice me. I let out a sobering breath that I hadn't been aware of holding. I droped my tardy slip on the teacher's desk and walked away, very awkwardly, to sit in an empty seat in the back right corner of the room. I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked around the classroom. Nobody really stood out to me as friend material. I pulled out a few pieces of loose leaf paper and began doodling. Just as I was finishing sketching a small flower I heard a pencil fall onto the carpet beside me. I reach down and pick up the small oversharpened light grey pencil studying it for a moment before looking up into the kind almond shaped eyes of its owner.
              Let me just say one thing. 'Wow.' This guy is like, major eye-candy. His sharp cheekbones perfectly framing his gentle eyes. His full lips, slightly parted showing glimpses of his perfectly aligned teeth. Smooth flawless skin, pulled over his strong jaw and the small bit of stubble sprouting on his chin. 'He's beautiful.'
             I quickly realised that I was staring at him and handed him his pencil. 'This is going to be a long year...'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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