I head to the paint sample section and I pick out a almost charcoal color then find a Walmart worker

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I head to the paint sample section and I pick out a almost charcoal color then find a Walmart worker.

As I wait for them to get me the paint I see a pretty cute boy holding a camera. He seems kinda scrawny but really adorable. He also seems kinda familiar. There's another guy next to him that's a lot more built then him.
Just then the Walmart worker comes and gives me the paint.

I put it in the little basket and go get some brushes.
I turn to look around me and I see the cute guy again. Maybe he's following me? God Kenzie stop being paranoid.

I walk around a bit and find some cute lights and light pink bubble paper things.
I also got a sticker that says "we only breathe for so long".

I walk around a little more and got distracted by the makeup.

So I ended up buying a makeup eyeliner pen, and a new eyeshadow palette.

Sense I'm already here so I might as well look at the blankets. I think to myself. I'm kind of obsessed with blankets. So I'm gunna buy a new blanket for my room. I hate having a ton of blankets on me while sleeping so I just use one.

I go to the bedding section and pick out a light grey medium thin blanket.

I head to check out and head out of Walmart. But I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see the cute boy. "Hey, I saw you in there and I wanted to say hi" he says looking a little nervous.
I give him a weird look then his eyes widen "I've seen your YouTube videos." He explains further.

"Ohhhh, hey. And thanks for watching them" I said. Uggg I know I've seen him from somewhere!
"I'm Tanner Braungardt. I make YouTube videos too" He says.
Then it clicked. "That's where I've seen you from!" I say smiling.

He smiles back and his friend comes walking out behind him. "Hi I'm Quentin" he says smiling and sticks out his hand. Another click.
"I know" I say shaking his head then I realize what I said "I'm sorry if that came out creepy, I've seen you in his videos. I'm Kenzie by the way" I say then gesturing towards tanner.

He nods and smiles. I smile again.
"So what are you doing here?" Tanner asks. "My dad got a job and we moved here" I say to him. "From where" Quentin asks.

"Olympia Washington" I tell them and both boys nod.
I nod too and pull at my sleeves. They turn to me, and Tanner says "it was nice meeting you, I'll see you around" he says smiling and I smile back.
But instead of walking we just stare at each other smiling, then Quentin says "dude, get her number". I laugh and pull out my phone, he does the same.

We switch phones and I put my contact into his phone then next to my name I put the pink swirling heart emoji and the bright pink flower emoji.

I give it back to him and he gives back mine. "Have a good day" he says "same to you" I tell him turning away and walking back to the car.

I get in and turn it on. I lay back on the seat then hear my phone buzz. I look at it and it's a text from Tanner.

Tanner😘😜: Lets hang out soon😊

Me: okay☺️

I smile and pull out of the parking lot.

Maybe it won't be so bad here after all.

(A/N) hey! So this is my first fanfic so I hope it's not to bad! Okay I'm going to publish another couple chapter for ya so keep an eye out!!

Cross my heart, hope to die //Tanner Braungardt//Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora