CHAPTER 7 - ThanksGiving Fest

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The night passed by and I woke up with a strange face and Aphy's arms were still binded to my hips. My mind keep throwing back what happened last night. I motioned to sit but... Before I can move my legs, Aphy's arms suddenly moved and I felt it on my skin. I successfully freed myself from her arms and broke apart from her.

Hera ended up hiding behind the curtains without any upper dress. A part naked. Aphy slept with me not knowing I don't have any dress. But innocent children are innocent, it's just normal for them.

While Aphy was sleeping Hera sneak out of my room. That is why Hera and Athe is very jealous in Aphy, I give Aphy a hundred percent attention. While they could hardly get any. "Why is it that you give more attention in Aphy than us?"  Was Hera's question every time I'm with Aphy.

Love might be against me. A mind revolution fighting for the temptations. For sex. It is just playing with me, treating me like a toy. Nana once told me that love isn't in our mind. It's in our hearts and every time we fell in love our mind don't work and love devour our minds to get wasted for nothing.

Well today is Friday and I won't doubt the fact that it's a very hard thing to do. A very hard and busy day for everybody, especially us students. People will come. Different students at different schools will come. If my wish will come true, I will wish that "please don't let them come today. Just please."

This day is the Thanksgiving festival, applause is heard at every corner in different clubs and sections. A very cool and happiest day for those people who have someone beside them and mostly it's the people who have friends, lovers I suppose to say.

They suddenly scream, suddenly cry, perhaps gets crazy and above all they suddenly love each other. Taking the fact that people who take the chance of being in love.

Well, honestly I don't give a fuck about it. People who just have someone is the only one who can get in love. My life live like a giant cool box. No one would come near or stay inside. Every corner of it is cold, you will get chilled as you continue looking at it. Staying at the cold corner of the box will freeze you. How cold it is be like this. I'm so negative. I wonder if anybody had felt like this.

Well eventually our club had nothing to do. We don't have plans and probably end up having zero at the club activities. My section agreed on having a maid café. Us, boys of the section were all dishwashers and janitors, and we have schedules to attend and from time to time we have a break. Both I and Rein are in afternoon shift. We have more time to kill before our next shift.

I really wish no one will tell about this event in our school to my sisters, especially Hera; she always slap me or punch me or even kiss me... At the lips. That's why I hate her, acting like my girlfriend, I'm not an insest you know.

I was walking with just a book on my hand. With straight face on the road, not to mention that I was walking a little curve and stepping a little slow. "Heraldy, let's go together to the room." Rein shouted, with Nina behind him.

I kept from walking slower and slower than usual just to keep up with them. "Heraldy, I think the changing body shits is over.... Maybe." Rain said anxiously.

"Yeah, I think so. It's been days. But I think it will be happen again. But at least for now we can stay as our normal selves, right." I said then pulled my bag.

"Shitake mushrooms!! I just remember the club. Aoi is the only one who's there. We should hurry now!" Nina shouted. My legs feel nothing and ran like the wind.

Rein and I suddenly realized the festival. So we hurried, through the hall way of the main building where our current club is located. Nina pushed the door. "Aoi are you here!?" Nina shouted in the room as she open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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