The Newlywed Game

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Title: The newlywed game

Author: xburningdesire


Rating 4.5/5

April was in need of money, if she wanted to finish University. Drew was in need of money, if he wanted his Dad to be able to complete the chemotherapy he so badly needed. When the two hear an ad for a new Australian TV show called 'The Newlywed Game' they could hardly resist. There would be 10 newlywed couples living together and the public voted who would stay. The last-standing couple wins 250, 000 dollars. There's one problem. They're not actually a married couple and don't know each other. It's hard not to fall in love with someone when you have to pretend to love him or her 24 hours a day for 3 months. April and Drew are about to learn just how hard.

"Drew," I found my voice. "Kiss me." I hoped Drew understood that I didn't want to kiss him because of the cameras; I wanted to kiss him because I ached the feeling of his lips against mine.

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