Just One Night - Christmas Special

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Hey guys!

So, I haven't updated in a REALLY LONG TIME. I get that. And I'm SO mad at myself, but it's because life is just insanely crazy/busy/dramatic right now... And also I need to re-download Word so... HOPEFULLY I can get a new The Ariel Killer chapter up soon!

NOW, here's the thing. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I wrote this on Christmas Eve for two reasons: 1) I wanted to see if I could even still write, and 2) I wanted to give you something... present-y for not uploading in a long time.

SO, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, Enjoyed Family Time, whatever you call it/celebrate, hope you had/have a great day!


*Cammei isn't born yet; this is the first Christmas after they find out Tay's pregnant*

"What the hell do I get for him?" I asked Rania, angrily. Cam was terrible to buy anything for; if he wanted it, he got it, and if he wasn't sure, he waited until he was or the feeling passed. It didn't help at all that I'd been asking him since his birthday what he wanted, and all he could do was say "I have you, what more do I need?"

Sweet, yes, but helpful? Not so much.

"Just get him something like you did last year. He hasn't changed that much, has he?" Rania asked, eyeing a small bear with a Christmas sweater. "Maybe this for Brittany?"

I shook my head. "Last year I got him a sex book and a watch. This year... we've been together over a year now! We're engaged, and have a kid on the way. There is literally nothing I can get for him!"

Ranis grabbed my shoulders instantly, forcing me to stand still. "Hey, relax. Listen, last year you were at the three month stage, and you flipped out because of the same thing. Now you're pregnant. You have to be careful, stress-free, and learn to stop moving so damn much, understand?"

I nodded slowly, taking deep breaths in and out. Over the past few months since Brittany's birth, Rania had perfected what I liked to call the "motherly tone" to the point where she actually scared me sometimes.

This was definitely one of those times.

"Are you good now?" Rania asked, refusing to let go of my shoulders. I nodded again, waiting until she let go to speak.

"Sorry, thanks. I just... He's so hard to buy for!" I groaned, trying not to get worked up again. "All he has to do is get me a list. Even if there's only one thing on it. Hell, I'll get him a freaking gift card if that's all he'll use, but seriously..." I trailed off, looking around the Walmart we were currently at.

"Okay, I get that, but think. Is there anything he might have said that could be a clue? Anything at all?"

I thought, trying to figure out what his response had been every time I mentioned his present. "All he said was what I told you earlier; that he had me and didn't want anything else."

"Right, yeah, okay. That does kind of suck right now."

My eyes widened in agreement. "I know! I can normally handle his sweet side, but when I'm trying to actually get info, he doesn't listen at all!"

"Breathe," Rania reminded me. I did as she said as she continued. "I get that, but... there must be something, anything, you can give him. Would he take a joke coupon? Like, a one-night-pass, no questions asked thing that he can use at any time?"

I shrugged. "It's not like we have a limit right now anyway. I mean, maybe when this little guy or girl," I rubbed my growing stomach, which was currently in the awkward I'm-pregnant-and-everyone-knows phase, softly, "is born, that will be useful, but for now... We just kind of let go. And we're careful now because, you know, pregnancy, but..." I slowed my sentence down, hoping she got the message. Instead, Rania smiled wide, grabbing my hand suddenly. "I have the best idea!"

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