Will you be my girlfriend?

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 David and Liza were standing on the small balcony of David's apartment. It was a cool night, the kind of night you would sit out and stare at the stars for hours. Unfortunately for David and Liza, this wasn't possible because they lived in the big, bright city of LA, and stars were quite hard to spot. Instead they settled for the next best thing, the city lights. They may not have been as much a spectacle, but they were still, by all means, spectacular.

Oh, did I say they were looking at the lights? I meant she was looking at the lights. David however, couldn't manage to keep his eyes off of her. He'd been best friends with the girl for months, and everyone knew that he was falling for her. Alex and Dom, his roommates, had been begging him to grow a pair and finally ask her out, but he just couldn't seem to do it. He'd never had a trouble like this with any other girl before, but there was just something about her that turned his bones to jelly.

Yet here they were tonight, and David could not keep his eyes off her. In the midst of his admiration she looked over, and they made eye contact. He quickly looked the other way, while she ducked her head and giggled. He made her giggle.

Suddenly, he couldn't control himself. It was all too much: her hair in the wind, her almond eyes, the way she made every moment he spent with her worthwhile. He turned and pulled her into him, and they kissed. It wasn't slow or awkward, as many first kisses are. Instead it was fierce and passionate. Their bodies pressed together in just the right places. Liza did have to stand up on the tips of her toes, and David's stubble may have tickled the edges of Liza's mouth, but it was perfect. She was perfect. They were perfect.

When it ended and they pulled apart. Their eyes were locked on each other, only this time there was no embarrassment, and they shared a chuckle of relief. David plucked up his courage and spoke.

"Liza wil-"



Ok so this is my first wattpad story ever, and I would greatly appreciate your constructive criticism. This will be a series of one shots, so if you have any story ideas be sure to comment below, and I will be sure to shout you out if I use it. Thanks a bunch!! -Josie

Diza One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now