Part 7

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Killian went to the computer lab after his class the next day. He normally didn't use the school's computers but his crashed and he had work that needed to be done by the next day. As he walked in and took a seat, he was cursing himself for accepting a date with David's sister. He knew of her but he had never met her. David didn't tell him much, only that her name was Emma and that she went to the same school, and Killian didn't bother to ask. He just wanted this Friday to come quickly and be done with it.

Sitting down at a computer in the back row, he pulled out his phone and flash drive, setting his bag down. He logged into the computer and starting check his emails first. He wondered if he should tell Buttercup about his date. Technically they weren't a couple... or were they? He didn't even know. All that he knew was that he didn't want to go on this date. A part of him felt like he would be cheating, but whether she would feel the same way, he had no idea. He was only going on this date to get his friends off his back anyway.

Killian picked up his phone to see if she had texted him. They had spoken briefly the night before, but she had to go to bed early because she had a very early exam that morning. She must have still been in class because he had not received anything from her yet. Setting his phone down, he clicked on an email he got from David, thanking him for going on a date with his sister. Killian rolled his eyes. His mate must be bored in class.

Killian closed the email and rested his elbows on the table and buried his face in his hands. What did he get himself into? He was having a sexting relationship with someone he had never met before and was going on a blind date with his friend's sister wondering if it was cheating. How the bloody hell did he get himself into this mess? As he sighed in his palms, trying to decide what to do, he heard someone taking a seat next to him.

"Is this computer taken?"

The question pulled him from his thoughts and he shook his head in response. "It's all yours." His voice was muffled as the person sat down, settling into the spot.

"That bad huh?"

"Depends on what you're referring to." He lifted his head, looking at the person who had spoken to him. The sight took his breath away.

Long, golden locks, green eyes, a hint of a smirk curving her pink lips. She was stunning.

"Nothing in particular. You just looked like you're having a bad day."

"And what could have possibly given you tha impression?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Well, for one thing, you have an engineering book so I can see why."

"Yeah, I'm a Mechanical Engineering major. It is quite tedious and complicated, but it's my dream to build ships. What about you, what's your major?"

"Criminology with a minor in Psychology."

Killian raised a brow at her, impressed. "Ah, talk about a workload."

She shrugged as she pulled out a pair of headphones from her bag. "Keeps me on my toes. How come I've never seen you in here before?"

"Well, I usually use my own computer but it crashed, so I'm forced to come here."

"Not me. I like coming here. It gets me away from my lonely apartment." She explained as she put on her head phones and logged onto her computer.

"Ah. I can see why this place would be appealing. I live by myself too, but I prefer it that way."

"Me too. I hate having roommates but mainly because the ones I've had in the past have screwed me over."

"Ah, I see. Well, I should let you get to work, then, lass."

She eyed him curiously.

"What?" he quiestioned the look she was giving him.

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