Part 1

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It all started when Killian arrived home late one night from the bar. He removed his jacket and shoes and anchored himself in his couch when he received a text. When he didn't recognize the number, he opened the message, which turned out to be a picture.

Killian's jaw dropped in awe, his eyes blown wide. He didn't know what to think at first. His mind shuffled through the last encounters he had engaged in. After he lost Milah, he had fallen through a downward spiral, trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol and one-night stands. Although, to his recollection, there were no women to speak of and there hadn't been for some time.

So, that didn't really explain the image on his screen that was staring at him - the rather intriguing image. He had to blink to make sure he wasn't imaging this. After a couple glasses of rum, that was quite possible.

He stared at the photo, taking in every detail. The person who sent this to him had clearly been taking a bath when she took this photo of herself, because for one - she was naked, her very pert and very bare breasts filling up the screen and two - the rounded flesh in front of him was glistening with remnants of soapsuds that did nothing to hide the pink, stiff nipples that were practically winking at him.

Killian tried to pull his eyes away, making a failed attempt to not to let it effect him but damn, it was a set of the most gorgeous breasts he had ever seen. His attention was peaked, arousal stirring in his belly as much as he tried to fight it. Then he had to wonder about the lad who this photo was intended for because it clearly wasn't meant for him. He would have remembered a pair of breasts like that, sober or not.

Thinking back to the women that he had met who had shown interest in him, he knew for a fact he never even gave any of them his phone number. He was done trying to distract himself from the pain that had burrowed deep inside of him. Tonight was actually the first time in weeks he had indulged in alcohol.

This person definitely had the wrong number. He wondered if he should say something, to inform her of his conclusion but he hesitated. Sending a naked picture to a stranger unintentionally, he imagined would be mortifying and he didn't want to embaress the lass. He decided not to say anything, just delete the pic and pretend it never happened, he convinced himself.

Then he received another text.

Unknown: So, you coming over or not? ;)

Killian almost groaned at the invitation, even though it was not intended for him. The thought of going to meet a lass like that, naked and aching with need in the bathtub made him hard. But he couldn't escape the fact that if he didn't say anything, she would be extremely disappointed and maybe off-put by the lack of response. He regretted his decision before he even replied to the text.

Killian: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it seems you have the wrong lad. No worries, I'm deleting the photo and forgetting what I saw ;)

He waited for a reply and a minute went by with no response. His instincts were right, she was embarrassed and he deemed it best to just get rid of the image. Just as he tapped on the picture and hit the delete button, an incoming text came up over the confirmation that asked him if he was sure he wanted to delete it.

Unknown: OMG I am so sorry (cheeks red with humiliation)!!! That was meant for my boyfriend, I must have typed in a wrong digit. I just recently got a new phone and had to re-enter all of my contacts in. Please forgive me and yes, if you could delete the pic that would be great.

Killian's lips pulled into a smile as he chuckled and typed a response.

Killian: Not a problem, lass. Was just about to get rid of the evidence when you texted me.

Unknown: Thanks so much and thank you for letting me know. I hope I didn't ruin your night or anything. I wouldn't want to make your girlfriend upset at you for receiving such a shameful pic from another woman.

Killian: Think nothing of it. I only wanted to make sure the person it was intended for didn't miss such an oppurtunity to be with a lass as (judging by the obscure photo) unforgettable as yourself. And to ease your worry, I am unspoken for and I'm the only one who saw it.

He decided it was best not to spill the tragic details of his late girlfriend through text to a complete stranger.

Unknown: Oh good, that's a relief. Again I'm very sorry to have ruined your night.

Killian: On the contrary. If anything, you made it better. I've actually been going through a rough patch and this is probably the first time I've smiled in a while. So really, I should be thanking you.

Unknown: In that case, I'm glad to have made your night :)

Killian: You have, indeed. I'll let you go now. You obviously have better things planned for tonight than talking to some stranger through text. I hope you have a pleasant evening, lass.

Unknown: Thanks, you too.

With that he clicked off his screen and set his phone down as he layed down across the sofa, leaning his head back into the pillow. It took only a few seconds to realize that the image was still on his phone. As he picked it up again, his screen lit up with another text.

Unknown: You know, if you wanted to keep the photo, you know just in case you're feeling down again, you have my permission ;)

Killian's face lit up as he replied.

Killian: If the lady insists ;)
I promise I will guard the image from prying eyes with my life.

Unknown: Okay lol. Goodnight.

Killian: Goodnight lass.

Killian went to bed with a goofy grin fixed to his features, feeling better than he had felt in a while.

Captain Swan - For Your Eyes OnlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz