Part 3

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Author Note: Please forgive any mistakes I've made. It's late and I'm very sleepy but I was determined to finish it. And sorry for the short chapter. They will get longer, I promise.

When Killian got out of his last class, he practically ran across campus, anxious to get home. He hadn't really felt like this in a long time. It was like Emma had awoken things inside of him that had been buried deep inside of him for a long time. He was actually looking forward to something, which was oddly refreshing.

He got in his car and drove to his apartment, going up the two flights of stairs. He came through the door and suddenly he didn't really know what to do.  Should he text her hello first before he just sent a picture of himself? It's not like he had ever done this before.

Killian took his phone from his pocket and decided to type a text first. He felt odd just sending a nude pic out of nowhere, although he probably would have felt odd either way.

Killian: Evening love. Have you thought of a nickname for me yet?

He drooped his bag and planted himself in the couch while he waited. There was no response after a few minutes, so he decided to work on schoolwork while he waited. He pulled out his engineering book and started reading when his phone chirped. He all but threw the book in the air as he scrambled to pick up his phone and quickly scanned the message she sent him.

Unknown: Well I don't know much about you so I don't know if this is a fitting nickname or not but... how does Captain Morgan sound, since that is what I was drinking last night when I texted you?

Killian smirked as he sent a reply

Killian: Ah, a rum-drinking kind of lass. My favorite kind. And I like the nickname, but Captain will do.

Unknown: Ok, Captain it is. And what shall you call me?

Killian: I was thinking maybe Princess or Goddess?

Unknown: Really? Princess? That's the best you got?  Although, I do like the idea of you bowing at my feet.

Killian chuckled, typing a response.

Killian: Okay, how about Buttercup because you have some very fine-lookin' 'buttercups' 😉

Unknown: *insert eye roll* But OMG I love it, considering Princess Bride is my all-time favorite movie.

With that, Killian plugged in her contact name as Buttercup.

Killian: Then it's settled. Captain and Buttercup. Now, tell me how was your day, love?

Buttercup: It was fine. I didn't have class, but I had to work. And may I ask, what's with calling me love? Are you British or something?

Killian: I am. I was born in England. I do it out of habit and as the culture I'm accustomed to, but if you want to me stop, I will.

Buttercup: No, it's fine. Morbid curiosity really. So how was class?

Killian: Boring and I spent the whole time waiting to get out so I could text you. Did I mention you've been on my mind for weeks?

Buttercup: No,  I think it was me who told you that while I was drunk texting, remember?

Killian thought about that for a moment. She was drunk at the time, so did she really mean it?

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