Chapter 4

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Twilight's POV

        I was speechless. In the middle of the room was a beautiful alicorn with a light grey coat, a flowing black mane that twinkled like the night sky, and a cutie mark representing a star and the moon. This was the mother of the royal sisters?

        Flurryheart giggled loudly. Cadance and I were so shocked we just stared. Flurryheart's magic started spiraling out of control. She began flying into walls and hitting things. Completely unfazed, she continued to giggle. I leaped into the air, trying to catch her, but it was no use. She was moving faster than I'd ever seen a foal go. Cadance and Luna both attempted to help, but neither could catch her. Celestia tried to send spells at her to catch her, but she was too fast. The beautiful mare stood up. All four of us froze and backed away, completely silent. She easily trapped Flurry Heart in a little bubble, and Flurryheart smiled at her. She did not smile back. The bubble floated towards Cadance, and she caught it easily. It didn't pop. The mare gave Cadance a small glare, before turning to the sisters, who both hung their heads in shame.

        "Am I to understand that you two call yourselves the rulers of Equestria, and you can't even stop a foal?" She asked. The foal wouldn't have had that much power if you weren't here, I thought angrily, but I said nothing. 

        "You have disappointed me yet again, Celestia. And you as well, Luna." Both sisters still hung their heads, but as I looked closer, I realized that Luna was quivering. What could have happened to her for her to be that terrified of her own mother?

        "And who might these three be?" the mare asked. Celestia stood up straight again. Luna stood up straight as well, but she was still shaking ever so slightly. Cadance opened her mouth to answer, but Luna shot her a warning look and she closed it again. I was indignant. Are we not allowed to speak?

        "This is Princess Mi Amora Cadenza, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Flurryheart." Celestia replied. Luna gestured at me to bow. I did, and Cadance followed suit. Cadance looked just as angry as I was. This mare was treating all of us like the dirt on the bottom of her horseshoe, and we were letting her!

        "Pleasure," she replied, avoiding eye contact and obviously not meaning it. "I am Stellaluna. I'm afraid you all are wanted back in the Alicorn Empire for a meeting. I'll give you all about five minutes for explanations before I open the portal. I'll be waiting for you on the other side. Good day." after turning her back to us, the mare teleported away. After a moment of silence, Luna stood up straight and stopped shaking.

        "What just happened?" Cadance asked slowly. The bubble surrounding Flurryheart popped, and she landed in her mother's arms.

        "We don't have much time, so I'll try to explain this as simply as I can," Celestia whispered, pacing the floor. "In a universe adjacent to Equestria, there is a civilization of alicorns. When Equestria was just beginning, there were three tribes. The unicorns, the pegasi, and the earth ponies. They lived in disharmony for a time, until they finally discovered friendship. They began to live in peace, until that peace was disrupted by Discord. Two alicorns were sent to stop him. Those two alicorns were Luna and I." She paused. "After stopping Discord, we decided to stay and help Equestria become independent once again.  I've spent most of my life doing just that."

        "But I thought you said you had never seen anypony be born an alicorn, besides Flurry heart." Cadance said. "How is there an entire civilization of alicorns if becoming an alicorn is a rare thing?"

        "In the Alicorn Empire, ponies are born with the ability to become an alicorn. We are born as either unicorns or pegasi and earn alicorn status at about the same age an Equestrian pony would gain their cutie mark. It's a part of our DNA." Luna answered. "But ponies of Equestrian descent need genetic intervention to become alicorns. The theory we came up with to explain Flurryheart is that Equestrian ponies pass on their alicorn DNA differently through childbirth than the ponies of the Alicorn Empire, causing Flurryheart to be born an alicorn."

        "Why are you so terrified of your own mother?" I asked. Luna stiffened, and Celestia sighed. Cadance looked just as confused and concerned as I felt. The way they reacted to their mother's reappearance certainly wan't normal.

        "That's not important right now." Celestia answered. "The portal should open in about thirty seconds." Luna began to shake again, and Celestia stiffened. Cadance looked nervous. Even Flurryheart was scared. At the same time I was curious, I was worried. If Stellaluna was any indicator to how these alicorns would treat us, then we had good reason to be terrified. A spark appeared in midair. It began to swirl around us, dancing like a bird on the wind. As it circled us, I began to feel dizzy.

       "Close your eyes," Luna whispered. I gently snapped my eyelids shut. Almost immediately, I could taste a salty sea breeze on the air. I opened my eyes, and saw a beautiful kingdom, more large and elegant than Canterlot. I heard Luna take a deep breath. "Welcome to the Alicorn Empire."

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