Chapter 3

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Luna's POV

        I watched as the citizens of Canterlot arrived at the city's surface. I took a shaky breath. I never wanted Cadance or Twilight to get mixed up in any of this, but I did think they should know the truth now that we didn't really have much of a choice. Celestia originally didn't want to tell them the whole truth, but seeing the situation now, she agreed we didn't have a choice. I took a deep breath, and tried to steady myself, stop the shaking. I didn't want to look like an idiot. I just never wanted to go back there. Not then, not ever. My life was here, in Equestria. Just because I was born there didn't mean it felt like home.

        "Luna!" Twilight yelled behind me. I stiffened. "What in the name of Equestria is going on here?" I turned around. Twilight was running up to me, followed by Cadance. Twilight looked confused, and Cadance looked both scared and determined. I had to admire her for that. Ever since I'd known Cadance, she'd been one of the bravest mares I'd ever known. Even though she probably had an inkling of just how dangerous this situation really was, she still kept a brave face for her baby.

        "Luna, is everything alright?" Cadance asked. She was definitely worried.

        Just as I was about to explain to them, Celestia opened the doors to the palace. I bit my tongue. She looked down at me in sympathy. At least she understood how difficult this was for me, to have her here.

        "Cadance. Twilight. Come inside please. I think it's time we tell you what's actually going on here." Celestia glanced at me. "But first you have to meet somepony." Celestia opened the door to the palace. She looked at me, and her eyes trembled ever so slightly. I knew beneath her facade, she was just as worried as I was.

        We walked down the hall in silence, to a room I didn't think Twilight or Cadance had ever seen before. Celestia's bedroom. I tried to steady my heart rate, but the harder I tried, the stronger it was. Flurryheart's horn started flickering on and off, like a flashlight that's running out of battery. I felt my magic getting stronger as we approached.

        "What's going on? What's wrong with our magic?" Twilight asked. Celestia stopped walking for a moment to explain. I didn't speak.

       "The pony you have to meet comes from a land that has infinitely stronger magic than Equestria, rivaled only by the Elements of Harmony," Celestia informed them. "Since she has just come from there, her magic is so strong it is stimulating your own, causing it to be slightly stronger and more prominent than usual. It should go back to normal within a minute." I knew this would probably be true for them, but not for Celestia and I. Our magic would just continue to grow stronger the longer she was here. I sighed. Why did she have to come here?

         We continued to walk towards Celestia's bedroom. I couldn't help myself, I started to tremble again. Twilight and Celestia noticed, but Cadance was too focused on Flurryheart. I couldn't really blame her, if I had a daughter, I would probably be acting the same way she was. Even though I saw how happy having a daughter made Cadance, I had always sworn to never have a daughter of my own. After the way I'd been raised, I didn't think I would be a good mother. My mother certainly hadn't been, not to me or my sister.

        We arrived at the door. I took a deep breath, and heard my sister do the same. Cadance gripped Flurryheart tightly, and Twilight began to shake. Celestia opened the door. I stood there, paler than the lit surface of the moon. Celestia stood close by my side. Cadance and Twilight gasped violently in shock. Even Flurry Heart looked surprised.

        "Wh- Who is she?" Twilight stuttered. Celestia took a deep breath.

        "That's our mother," she replied.

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