Chapter 11

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Today was Sunday so that means I go back to school tomorrow!! I repacked my school bag and picked out an outfit already! I'm so excited to go back to school and see Christina my best friend! Joey and Daniel were both gone having a photo shoot and they trusted me to stay home alone until they got back. I decided to go and practice my flute for band and do some basic volleyball practices for my next practice. So I headed outside to the backyard. I played through all three of my marching band songs and did the routines a couple times and then I practiced setting, passing and some serving for volleyball. But it was starting to get really hot outside so I came in and sat down in the kitchen. I made myself an ice cold glass of water and cooked up some pasta for lunch and sat down on the couch. I cuddled up in Daniels soft fuzzy white blanket with Wolf and Storm on the floor bellow me and turned on Dance Moms. I was so comfortable and happy. I finished my pasta and took my plate to the sink and sat back down and I started to drift off. I was asleep for what seemed like maybe and hour or so when I jolted up to the sound of the door trying to be unlocked and keys jingling. But Joey and Daniel weren't supposed to be back until 5 and it was only 3 o'clock. I started to get really nervous. I turned the tv off and started creeping towards the door. I looked slightly outside through the window and I didn't notice the person standing there and I knew it wasn't Joey or Daniel. I heard the click of the door unlocking and I bolted up the stairs like I was some kind of Olympic runner. I ran into Joey and Daniels Room and went into their closet and shut the doors. Darkness and silence.....that's all there was. I started shaking was someone breaking in? Was someone going to hurt me? What would happen if they found me? All of these thoughts were racing through my mind I started to whimper. I took my phone out of my pocket and I could barley type in my password and I called Daniel.
"Hey Abby everything ok?"
"Daniel I think someone's in the house"

An Orphans Dream (adopted by Joey and Daniel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin