Chapter 1

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Before I fell in love with joe:
Waking up to the crack of dawn, I lay in my bed not bothered to get up, but I get my phone from the night desk and open my social media. I saw a message on my Instagram, so almost immediately I opened it and saw that Caspar lee messaged me, I wasent shocked as we were friends back in the day...

I get up and run to the bathroom because I need to get ready Before the boys come! Finally I finished dressing up as I hear the doorbell buzzing, I see the boys standing outside so I open the door and greet them all! Suddenly, I saw someone that Caspar didn't tell me was going to be here..

Joe sugg walked in as I smiled and shook his hand, greeted him inside and walked in after him. I saw him smirking at me, I blushed and took a seat in the sofa as Conor started speaking "guys stop the silence" he chuckled as I started to laugh and then said in my voice that sounded broken as I was laughing at Conors silly joke that we all should make our own pizzas! Caspar heard that and ran to me giving me a hug and screamed " OMG I love you already!" He chuckled as I pulled away politely.

Conor, Caspar and  myself ran to the kitchen as I accidentally bumped into Caspar, he caught me by the waist, I blushed as I walked away and took out all the pizza batters I did before they arrived and took out all the toppings,  I recognised that joe wasent in the kitchen so I yelled " JOE! WHY ARENT YOU HERE WITH US!" I said in a kind tune. I saw joe walking in and blushing to me as he turned to face Caspar and whispered something to him, I looked at Conor in a puzzled look and he started laughing in a awkward way and pulled both of the boys away into a group hug, I felt an arm around me as it went down to my hips...

I pushed away from the hug and smiled innocently as I ran to the bathroom and fixed myself as my mascara was obviously everywhere on my face. Joe walked in noticing me, he blushed and apologised  to me, I was slightly confused and asked him why he was saying sorry. He told me that his arm went Around my waist, I laughed and said " it's fine joe I don't have a boyfriend!" I smirked as I walked passed joe, I saw him smiling to himself. I looked back at him as I noticed him wink at me...

First chapter!! I know it's short but I'm not making these 2 hours to read😂❤️

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