She was right [18]

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"H-how I got expelled?"I asked.My dad nodded.Oh boy.This is going to be hard to explain

Hiccup Pov

"Uhh..It's kind of a long story.."I said.He looked at the clock on the wall.

"We have time"he said.I sighed and looked at my dad.

"You second day of camp we..had to choose a horse for our Horse Acrivities so..I kind of couldn't find a horse that I liked...."
My dad looked weirdly at me
" I decided to train a kind of wild one"I said quickly.He blinked twice before gulping

"Train a wild one?"he asked

"Uhh..Sort of wild one"I answered.

"What do you mean?"he asked getting frustrated.

"I....trained.....a three legged horse which was far away from the other horses because it was dangerous."I answered.My dad took a few seconds to respond

"Ehmm...That Actually is not that bad.It is not even considered cheating."he said

"Hehe well..You know..I kind of other I can train Toothless during the camp"

"Wait wait...Borrowed??..And who is Toothless?"My dad asked confused.

"That will be the horse....and...uhh...yes..I borrowed a horse from........a friend"I said.My dad sighed burying his head in his hands.

"Hiccup Hiccup Hiccup"he said.I gave him a  side grin while scratching the back of my neck.

"HEY!You wanted to know"I said making him chuckle

Astrid Pov

Me and Heather walked back to her room while we continued talking about Dagur.Poor Heather was feeling awful.As soon as we made to her room I took the keys and opened  the door making way for her.We walked in as I put the keys on the nightstand and closed the door.We sat on the bed and I looked at her.I didn't know what else to say.I continued looking at her sadly until my phone rang.My head shifted towards my phone which was laying on the bed.I looked at the ID.It was unknown.My eyebrows formed a straight line as took I took the phone and answered

"Hello?"I asked.

"....."there was silence

"Hello?"I asked again.And that is when I heard someone snif.A concerned expression    made it on my face

"Who is there?"I asked
"A-Astrid?"the person on the other line said.Wait....This it....

"Graham?Why are you crying?"I asked.Heather's eyes grew wider.

"Graham?"she whispered-yelled pointing the phone.I nodded also looking confused

"I-I'm sorry....I was an asshole"he said..I kind of felt bad.I mean he was crying.

"C-can you c-come to the stables?"he asked.I sighed

"Graham I-I...-"

"P-please"he said cutting me of.I sighed again.

"O-okay"I said.Seconds passed before he hang up.I removed the phone from my ear and looked at it.

"What did he want?"asked Heather.

"He wants to meet at the stables"I said.Heather stood up

"What??And you said Okay?"she asked

"He sounded like he regretted what he did.Heather he was crying"I said.

We met at Summer Camp{Hiccstrid Fanfiction}[COMPLETED](Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now