They walked down the hall in silence, her thick afro bouncing with every step she took.

Maya pulls out her phone when they were on the elevator and sent a quick message to Zay.

Maya: I'm going to the park with Ashton 😭😭

It was only when we were near the park a few minutes later of silent walking did he reply.

Zay: Aww you're bonfing with your bestie😊

Zay: *bonding

They got to he park and a few people were walking their dogs, some couples walking hand in hand, a mom was pushing her baby in a stroller, some ladies jogging and some kids running around playing while their mothers sat on benches and watched.

Maya positions herself under a tree away from the crowds for some quiet and Ashton followed her.

"I don't really like being disturbed while I'm drawing." she tells her as she pulls her sketch pad and pencil case out of her bag.

"I don't really like bein' disturbed when I writin'." She says pulling a laptop out of her bag and opening it up. "I wanted to come to the park earlier but mommy wouldn't let me go, she said it was 'too dangerous' to go by myself. I was going to ask you to go with me when you reach home but you was-" she stops of her rant to swat a bee that came to close. "You were already coming here so I just thought I'd ask to come with you."

"What do you mean it's too dangerous? Our neighbourhood not safe enough for you rich folk?" Maya ask glaring at her and Ashton just stares at her blankly for a second before replying.

"Is nothin' to do with the neighbourhood." she clicks some stuff on her laptop. "Is just how she is, she never wants me goin' nowhere alone. She think everybody that we don't know is a kidnapper or murderer." 

"Is that why you don't have any friends?" Maya asks without thinking about it first.

"I have friends." She deadpans.

"Then why are you always with your mom?" 

"Because she asks me to come along with her whenever she comes by your place. I think she has this crazy idea that we can be best friend or something and when she asks she not really askin' she just pretending like she givin' me an option." She rolls her brown eyes at her mother's antics.

"Hmm." Maya nods opening her sketch book. Ashton pulls some ear buds from her bag and plugs it into her phone putting on music that Maya can hear softly and begins typing away on her laptop.

Maya starts drawing the landscape of the park. 

Ashton isn't quiet when she writes. She reacts to what she's writing by laughing or doing long drawn out 'Oooh's' and even talking about it. She isn't loud when she does it so it doesn't really disturb Maya but she's constantly aware of her.

"What are you writing?" she asks after we both work on our projects silently for half an hour.

"Fan fiction." she replies.

"What ship?"


"What's Sterek?" Maya asks and she pauses her writing and looks up at her slowly.

"What's Sterek?" she questions a bunch of different emotions flashing across her face at once. "Only the best thing to ever happened to me in my entire seventeen years of life."

"Where are they from?"

"Teen Wolf." She says going back to her story typing away. "But we don't associate ourselves with that crap show that hates gays and POCs."

Fighting Love || Lucas Friar+Maya Hart [Abandoned]Where stories live. Discover now