chapter 8

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*Eren's POV*

I woke up laying, snuggled up to levi. I could hear his even and slow breathes meaning he was asleep.

I didn't want to move, I was warm comfortable and with the man I love. 'I wish he would return the love I felt for him. I love him so much that I'll never let him go no matter what. He is mine and mine alone.'

Levi began to mumble inaudibly. It was adorable. He started to scream my name. You could hear the horror in his voice. It made me angry.

I shook him awake.

"Hey, wake up!"

"Ah!" He breathed heavily as if he had just got done running laps. "E-eren? Oh god no please don't hurt me!"

He started to struggle but in the end accomplished nothing.

"Sshhh" I used my index finger to stop an words from escaping his lips. "You're ok. Nothing's going to happen you're safe now."

"What?! You call this safe?! I'm tied to a bed in your basement! This is the polar opposite of safe!"  He yelled.

I could feel my blood boil. "Shut, up!" I yelled and placed me hand on his mouth.

His is widened with fear and muffled screams were headed as I lowered myself next to his ear.

"That is not how you talk to your master." I cooed "now how should I punish you?"

He began to shake violently and the muffled screams were louder.

"What? Is that not what you want?" I asked innocently.

He shook his head violently.

"Awe, that's to bad cause you are in need if some serious discipline."

He struggled and screamed so to shut him up I pulled a gag from beside where the chains and rope connect to the bed.

I slipped it on him with surprising ease. 'Looks like he is behaving'.

"Now what should we do?" I said aloud while tapping my index finger on my chin.

" oh I know what to do *giggles*"
I walked out of the basement and into my room.

I walked up to the closet opening the door and retrieving my box of 'goodies'. I pulled out a whip, syringe, and a few drugs I whipped up. I also grabbed a tray from the kitchen and neatly placed the objects in order of how much they would hurt.

I picked up the tray and walked down the stairs skipping every other step.

When I made it to the bottom of the stairs I quickly grabbed the whip and cracked in the air a few times staring at Levi.

The amount of fear he was showing was amazing as I slowly walked closer to him.

Sorry if there r typos and sorry for not updating in a rreeaallyy long time. Hope you guys like the story and remember to comment I love to read the comments they are hill-hairy-ass (hillariuos) my friends and I say that a lot lol bye bye luvs ♡♥♡♥♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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