chapter 7

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*Levi's pov*

I turned the nob that started the water and put my hand under it to check the temperature. I wasn't paying any attention though. 'Why did he do this? Why did I let him? Why did I enjoy it?' I was brought out of thought by a burning sensation in my hand I looked down to see my hand was completely red and in pain.

"Ah! Fuck!" I yelled in pain. I quickly ran to the sink and ran it under cold water.

"Fuck that hurt like a bitch."

*knock knock*

"Hey Levi are you alright I heard you yell." He said it with...regret?

"What do you think?" I replied bluntly.

"I'm coming in."

"Wait no Eren wai-"

He walked in and I quickly grabbed a towel and rapped it around my waist.

"Eren I'm not wear clothes!" He pinned me to the wall.

"Please there is nothing that I haven't seen."

"E-Eren please get out." He slammed me against the wall.

"You are mine! Hear me you are my property! And I am your master!"

I stared wide eyed shocked with fear. His force loosened on my chest and he grabbed my hand. I winced in pain as he yanked my hand to examine it.

"H-how did you know I burned my hand?"

"I told you I know everything about you and I'll notice when you have a completely red hand."

He started to run it under cold water and got me an ice pack. He laid the ice pack on my hand and I winced in pain. He got up and walked towards the door.

"You can take a shower now *giggles* but be careful."

And with that he left the room.

(Time skip brought to you by Eren's insane giggles)

I was done with my shower and was wearing black skinny jeans with a red T-shirt. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Eren leaning against the wall across from the door. He wouldn't look me straight in the eyes.

"Breakfast is on the table if you want it."

"That depends."

"On what?"

"Is there anything extra added to it I should be worried about?" He pushed of the wall and started to walk away.

"If you don't want it then fine starve."

"I just don't trust you!" He stopped immediately and clenched His fists.

We stood there in silence for a few minutes but Eren broke it with a question that shocked me.

"Do you even have feelings for me at all?" He dropped to his knees and started to cry silently.

"E-Eren I can't say yes..."

I could see the hurt in him when I said that. 'Wait! Why do I care?'

"But I honestly can't say no." I whispered it ever so slightly.

He got back up and walked into his room and charged back out at me.

"Eren? Ah!"

"You will love me!" He screamed in my face as he pinned me to the ground.

He grabbed a cloth and held it over my nose and mouth. I tried to struggle but it was no use. Before I knew it darkness consumed me.

*Eren's pov*

He was knocked out cold. I picked him up bridal style and brought him back to the basement. 'Why doesn't he love me back?!' I thought as I walked down the stairs.

I started to tie his hands and feet to the bed. When I was done I stood and there just stared down at his angel like features. I brushed a lock of his hair behind his ear. I sat on him straddling him as I pulled up his shirt to admire his build. He had a obvious eight pack. I outlined them with my fingers I slid his shirt up to cover his eyes. And laid with my head on his chest.

He started to twist and turn indicating he was waking up.

"Ugh. Wh-what's going on?! Why can't I see?!"

"Sshh." He tried to move but was halted by the ropes.

"Oh *sigh* get it over with, brat." He growled.

"I'm not going to do anything *giggles* yet"

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