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"Michael calm down." Geoff says cautiously approaching the other who is currently enraged.

Michael spins around giving a heated glare in Geoffs direction.

Geoffs instincts tell him to back off but he ignores them and takes a tentative step closer.

Michael snarls and lunges at Geoff so suddenly no one has any time to stop him. He slams a punch to Geoffs face hitting him on the nose.

Geoffs nose begins to ache rather badly and it also lets out a little blood as he gets a bloody nose. He falls back onto the ground and soon he forgets about his nose as he finds himself facing the barrel of a gun.

Michael has one foot on the bottom of Geoffs chest by his stomach as if to hold him down. His other foot planted firmly on the ground on one side of Geoffs legs so it's not between them. His hand that has blood on his knuckles is pulled back a little to be just a bit past his hip and clenched in a fist. His hand holding the gun is clenching it but luckily he isn't pulling the trigger with his pointer finger being the only thing on the trigger. His eyes are dark with the flame of rage burning inside of them and they seem to become even darker as Geoff notices that Michaels eyes are cast into shadows that are cast from his bangs making him all the more terrifying. His teeth are clenched as if to emphasize his rage along with the growling he is emitting.

The grey and black pistol he has in his hand is one that was going to be used by him in a video later.

Michael had decided to hold onto it until then.

Geoff raises a hand towards Michaels chest and stomach area though there's a space between his hand and Michael. "Michael! Wait!"

The others are watching in fear and horror. They want to help but they are afraid that Michael will pull the trigger if they even approach. They don't even know if the gun is even loaded.

Geoff tries to keep his eyes on Michael though they seem to focus more on the gun in his face.

"Micool!" Gavin calls out in pure fear.

"Michael stop!" Ray says trying to hold back his own fear.

"Michael! That's enough!" Ryan adds trying to sound stern.

There's a few tense filled seconds then Michael blinks as his gaze softens along with his stance.

Michaels growling stops as he pants slightly probably from being winded slightly by his rage. His partially bloody hand unclenches from it's fist and his eyes blink again as his body tenses. His hands begin to shake and he suddenly lets go of the gun letting it clatter to the floor beside Geoffs head.

Everyone watches him as this happens and he backs up a little slowly until he's put some space between him and Geoff, with clear pure fear and terror written all over his face with his eyes holding the look of fear with a bit of horror.

Geoff sits up still a little shaken but he tries to focus on helping his friend. "Michael." He begins.

Michael shakes his head slightly in a horrified way only about once, obviously terrified of himself and what he had been doing. His fear is still mixed with a touch of horror.

Before anyone can say anything Michael turns and runs off out of the room.

"Michael!" Geoff gets to his feet as the other hurries away.

"Micool..." Gavin almost whimpers in worry and is about to give chase despite still being a little shaken from what happened.

"Come on!" Geoff gives chase and the others follow.

They make it out of the room and look around to try to spot Michael.

Geoff turns and notices a door that is open though he knows it was closed before. "Oh no." He runs towards it.

"Geoff?" Gavin questions but he doesn't get an answer.

The others pause a moment slightly glancing between themselves before hurrying to follow Geoff to the open door.

Geoff skids to a stop and turns looking into the room. His eyes widen and he is about to hurry into the room.

The others come to a stop some skidding and they look into the room just in time to see the last bit of Michael disappearing into a strange mirror.

It seemed like he ran into it and it reacted like some kind of portal.

They all hurry into the room and stand in front of the mirror looking at it.

It appears to be just a regular mirror with no swirling or anything.

The frame is a beautiful purple half oval large enough to let someone comfortably be able to go through with a decent amount of space left over. There are purple steps leading up to the mirror at its base.

"What just happened?" Ryan asks just as confused as Gavin, Jack and Ray.

"I... I don't understand..." Jack adds confused.

"This mirror is a portal to another world." Geoff explains. "I was watching over it for a friend and I was allowed to put it into this room for safe keeping. I believe that Michael overheard what it was when it arrived."

"Well then let's go after him!" Gavin says determined.

"Wait!" Geoff turns to Gavin still forgetting about the bleeding nose he has. "My friend warned me. He told me that if too many are sent through the portal there's the chance that really bad things could happen. Like the destruction of the two worlds or something." He turns back to the mirror. "I believe it's too dangerous to send anyone after Michael right now. Besides. I think Michael might want sometime to clear his head." He slightly turns away. "I'll call my friend and ask if we can keep it here... Maybe one day Michael will use it to return to us..." He pulls out his cell and begins to dial.

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