Nevertheless, he was going to make up for it even if it took him a lifetime and grovel for forgiveness if he needed to.

That’s why he didn’t fight back when Matthew’s fist greeted him on the door by the hotel’s clinic upon his arrival. He deserved it and a whole lot of blows. And he crumpled to the floor as he struggled to regulate his breathing – not because of the hit he took but because of the look of pain on Andrea’s beautiful face even in her sleep. It knocked him excruciatingly more than the clout he just received and he slumped there on the floor besides Andrea’s bed, the back of his eyes burning with absolute regret. He fisted his hands on his sides as he tried to steady his rapid heart rate, if only he could punch himself. And he even pleaded to Matthew to hit him more.

He was truly a sonofabitch.

“Man, if you are not such my boss right now I would gladly slam the phone loudly,” Matthew’s deep voice laced with annoyance woke Callum out of his reverie from yesterday’s remarkable event. He heard a profound groan, “…che diavolo? Do you know what time is it? It’s freaking six in the morning!”

“I know, but Andrea woke up early –“Callum started but Matthew had cut him off.

“How is Andy now? Cal, if you mess this up again and hurt her then your jaw will not be the only one throbbing, I swear. Dico sul serio. Even if you are my friend and boss,” Matthew said carefully as the mention of Andrea’s name seemed to wake him up completely. And Callum could detect more than the threat on his voice and he knew that his friend would gladly deliver what he just said if it comes to that.

“I know I messed up man but I would never hurt Andrea deliberately, you know that as much. Lei è molto importante per me.” And Callum knew that as much as well. How could he hurt the one person to whom his world revolve?

“Yeah, but we both know that sometimes you are an idiot – no offense Cal – and at times you have this tendency of messing things up even if you don’t mean to.” Matthew drawled after a long-suffering sigh.

“None has taken Matt. But don’t forget what I told you to do first,” Callum reminded his friend. “I’ll text you the hotel address and the room number. You can get the key from the lobby. I already sent it downstairs.”

“Cal, remember this is all your doing and don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Callum could almost see his friend shaking his head in reprimand at him. “…she’ll surely be pissed, that I can assure you.” Matthew continued with a hint of delight for his dreaded future. 

“Don’t worry you won’t be the lucky one facing her wrath,” Callum guaranteed him with just a hint of sarcasm.

What was Matthew thinking? That he wasn’t aware of the repercussion of what he was doing? Yeah, he knew how stubborn she is but Callum was confident that he could handle her and made Andrea see the reason of his hasty decision.

A movement from the peripheral of his vision distracted Callum then he saw Andrea emerged from the few steps on the hallway leading to the bedrooms. He didn’t hear clearly the mocking fitting reply of his buddy, just his ramblings as Callum solely focused on the bella that was hesitantly making its way to where he was.

“You know what Matt? I’ll call you later, okay. And I want an update on that blasted land owner. Tell him we are not interested anymore.” Callum ended the call and placed his phone at the counter without leaving his eyes away from Andrea.

She was freshly showered, still with damp hair and he could smell the faint scent of his soap lingering on her skin and he never once thought that his ordinary bar of soap could get any alluring. Damn right, but nothing could be more attractive than knowing that a special woman didn’t have any qualms in sharing some toiletries with a man. The white dress Andrea wore along with her hair freely flowing on her bare shoulders placed a different kind of glow on her face and Callum was sure he was looking at the new version of Andrea.

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