Chapter 4

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Andrea felt like she was run over by a ten-wheeler truck.

She can barely move her limbs that were tangled in the softest fabric of her blanket. She was exhausted but despite that, her hazy memory reminded her that another nightmare visited her last night. Her throat was parched. She turned on her left to grasp blindly for that glass of water she always kept on that bedside table but her hand came out empty. Confused, she'd open a leaden eye despite the rays of sun streaming through the window blinds was hurting her head. She felt like she just had a big hangover despite the fact that never once in her sheltered life did she attempt to be drunk - a sip or two of alcohol but never beyond the limit of what she could handle.

What the hell!

She was more confounded on the scene that greeted her. There was no bedside table on the left side of the bed like what she remembered on her obscure memory of that hotel room she rented out.

Where the hell am I?

Panic stricken her out...and before her mind could think straight on why she was in a strange room, her body moved on a reflex - getting out of bed as fast as possible with limbs tangled on bed sheets - she found herself agonizing as she landed with a thud on the floor. She cursed louder within her entire life that would make her dear mother blanched when heard.

Pain zipped in through her consciousness and despite the ache clouding her brain; she vaguely remembered the events of yesterday.
Piece by piece it all dawned on Andrea.

Having a crappy hangover would have been preferable to her.

She was supposed to be resting in the hotel's clinic.

But a large room with ostentatious shiny furniture she was currently holed up in surely didn't qualify as a clinic.

She didn't know to either feel embarrassed or hurt by what happened the other day. But the soreness she acquired from yesterday's fall aggravated by falling down the strange bed made her tear-up. Andrea was afraid and she was hurting not just physically...her whole being was throbbing deep down to the very core of her existence.

Andrea was a total mess. And she could definitely use something to numb the not feel anything...just like what she had gone through just a few months ago.

Guacamole but can I have just a little bit of respite?

Andrea wanted to control herself; she really wanted not to throw any tantrums because in the first place she's in a strange room. But the mixed feeling she harbored since yesterday accumulated to a point that she had no choice but to cry harder and damn if anyone heard her crying like a baby.

Andrea reached a breaking point.

A series of hiccupped tore through Andrea's chest as it tightened and to heck with it if she was wailing like a petulant child on the floor but right now she needed to let it all out.

It really hurts...

And I hate Callum so much right now!

But the approaching footsteps made her freeze and clutch her blanket like it could provide her some kind of shield against the one who's frantically coming to the room.

She stared wide-eyed at the door, her heart thrumming wildly against her chest. She vaguely thought that she might lose consciousness when worse come to worst. She repeatedly sniffed her nose and wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks. She hoped to lock the door but she had yet to collect herself from the floor where she fell down to do such a thing.

Life sucks really!

Andrea had no choice but to brace herself waiting for the intruder. Sucking in a deep breath as she made a futile move to hide behind the bed, the door opened with a bang, almost shaking the frame as the force reverberated throughout the room. The trespasser came in hurriedly with ragged breaths as his eyes anxiously searched the room for her. And Andrea's eyes couldn't get any wider like they would jump out of their socket when she saw who was on the other side of the door. She felt she was having some palpitations with the way her heart was beating but loosely wondered why she hasn't fainted yet, shame that would have been the best way to escape yet another embarrassing moment.

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