Love Birds <3

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So after that night none of us spoke about their relationship even though Dani tried to hint at me clearly knowing what she was trying to do, she always hinted that she wanted to stay round at mine until I just agree with her but little did she know Curtice had a "new" girl friend and he was bringing her around to the house the night that Dani was staying this was the night for disaster wasn't it? Finally the day arrives for her to find out the truth but I really don't think she'll get over him any time soon to be honest but hopefully she will. Luckily we have a teacher's training day so she comes around a little bit earlier than she should! 

"Omg is you know who going to be coming?" she asks concernedly, with a little bit of doubt in them sparkiling bright blue eyes of hers but we all know who "you know who" is Curtice obviously.

"Umm....yeah I think so!" I could'nt help but stutter knowing i'm lying to my best friend if not best friend my "sister" as we class eachother when we're not anywhere near our familes.

"Ohh cool" Honestly by the sounds of thigs she really doesn't want Curtice round god knows why but i'm sure to find out why!

"What you not telling me?" I really didn't want to break the silence but I just really want to know maybe she's got a boyfriend not wanting to hurt Curtice even though she doesn't know that he's got a girlfriend until he brings her round, I actually feel a little bit dis-respectful towards her because we tell each-other every thing and I mean every thing but this time I have to let her find out by her-self hoping she doesn't find out that I know without telling her! 

We finally reach my house, everyone seems to be there except for curtice.Then I realise that  seems to be watching us,  asif we've done something wrong? I turn to look at Dani she looks so like she looking for him with that nervous look in her eyes then realises am looking at her thenshe gives me the nod to carry on walking.

''Hiya you two!" my mum shouts even though we are practically next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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