Chapter 1

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"Here take these tissues,” says Mr Taylor as he handed them over to me, then goes back into class. "Cheyanne  is that you?" a voice appears  from nowhere I could tell who's voice, it was my cousin Teagan, she's always there for me she's the best.

"Are you okay?" she says looking puzzled,

"Yeah I’m fine, don't worry about me, where are you supposed to be?" I asked.

Then suddenly the class room door opens and Mr Taylor comes out looking for me then he looks at me as if to say come on now Cheyanne, "I've got to get back now Teags cya at break?" I say as she walks away, no oh what’s the matter or anything some time I just think she just cares about herself to be honest.

  Later on, at break everyone comes up to me saying "oh you okay now?" or "I heard you was crying earlier?" and I don't even know half of these people that are coming up to me. But then he walks past me beaming as ever he's so amazing hard to resist his name is, James his smile is so beaming. I'll never get him though, he's too busy with Kiera they're always with each other its un-real I don't even know why he's with her to be honest, as she's the biggest flirt in the whole world, she doesn't deserve him he's too good for her. Yes she's absolute drop dead gorgeous and I don't have anything on her but I love him more than she'll ever do!

So the day goes on, he's sat next to me I can feel myself going red, burning up I know i should'nt but I can't help what I feel. And then the day gets worse i find out that my cousin likes James this is so not funny.

"Cheyanne!" a voice calls from behind me I really don't want to turn around, but she's there walking with me as everything's normal, so I just pretend to be okay as she' is doing, I really want to say something but if I do I know she'll turn against me and I don't want that to happen because then she'll turn everyone against me.

" Hiya, you okay?" I replied as fast as I could, scared I'm going to say something wrong but she looks so sweet and innocent.

"Yeah, I'm good thank you, you don't look well you know?" she said, as if she knows what's up with me?

"No, I'm okay just got a small headache that's all..." Before I could finish Lewis comes for Teagan I seriously don't know what's up with me everyone else has a girlfriend or boyfriend but me? It's seriously not fair! Then Daniella comes for me we're related some how in so weird strange way through my auntie which is  her cousin? Even though I doubt we're properly related we're like sisters to be honest, I love her so much it's unreal.

"Hiya,Danni you okay?" I say as she walks over to me, she doesn't look right, she looks really upset if i'm honest.

"Yes, i'm fine will everyone stop asking me!" snapping at me for no reason, I never argue with her when she's like this she will always win no matter the situation. 

So we walk to the bus stop in silence until Jake and his bum chum Louis comes along stinking of smoke or whatever they've been doing, I actually hate it when they smell like this, we have to run for the bus because we walked to slow to the bus stop. Nothings gone right today it's like Friday the 13th all over again! When i eventually arrive home the house is empty so I decide to  go on the computer to check my Facebook messages.

"wow!" I say to myself well the dogs hear but the dog can't understand me it only understands when I say "walkies" or "come here girl!" I have too many messages, I havn't been on for 2 whole days and I have like20 messages and 3 friend requests! As i'm going through my messages I see a specific one from James, now my day is complete, I obviously want to reply to him but I don't know whether to as he'll be with Kiera as per-usual. But I could'nt resist I just put;

"Hiya, James you okay?xx" a few minutes later I've got a message it's him! It says: 

"Yeah I'm fine ta wbu?xx" I can't even believe he's talking to me! Me of all people.

"Good and yeah thank you xx" I didn't even know what to put to him, and  I've got butterflies, for some reason he goes offline then 5 minutes later he's back on my heart skips a beat as I look at his name re-appear, our conversations are pretty awkward to be honest but oh well as long as I get to talk to him I'll be absolutely fine. Oh my god his facebook status says: "Not in a relationship!" he's broke up with Kiera he must of because he was taken before, so he must have only just done it... Unless she's broke up with him but why would she do that to James of all people he's pretty amazing to be honest. Now I can't wait to go to school tomorrow but before I could go to sleep I had to ask him what happened between them too because they were kinda perfect even though she's a cow to everyone. (well to the girls anyway!)

so I buildup the courage to ask him what had happened all he could say was;

''I've found a better person and I know she likes me back but I don't know if I should ask her what do you think?'' all I could think about is that its Teagan who wouldn't want her?. She's absolutely stunning, every one loves her but me well I do but everyone bums off her before she appeared it was me who everyone loved and looked up to but then she came. Before my dad died it felt like she was his daughter and I was his niece, but Danni made me realise he was just looking out for her and he wanted the best of both worlds, he just wanted us girls to be happy and live peaceful I never got to tell him how much he meant to me but now he's gone I wish I could of showed him how much I appreciated him but I guess its just too late....

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