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Enfri dared to scoot a little closer to her and spoke in a bare whisper, hiding her lips from the crowd with the bouquet. "I love you, my light."

The blush in Jin's cheeks was all the reply she needed.

From across the throne's dais, she caught sight of Ban nudging Pacifica with his elbow and nodding in indication towards the pair of them. Their amused grins showed their approval. Jin's blushing got worse.

She hid her own lips with her bouquet. "Do not play with fire, my heart. I might make a scene and kiss you in front of all these people."

Enfri suppressed a pleased giggle. Try as she might, she couldn't decide on if she wanted that to happen or not. Jin's kisses gave her life, but there was also a very real danger of dying from embarrassment.

By reflex, Enfri braced herself for Shoen's inevitable diatribe or a chiding from some other Dragon Emperor. Blessedly, one didn't come. Now that she thought about it, Enfri realized that she hadn't heard much out of the voices since that morning. The winds granted small favors, and Enfri was inclined to enjoy the respite.

Sasha's speech was winding down, and Enfri looked out over those assembled. A great many knights and paladins stood as close to the dais as decorum would allow. A group of goblins stood in a knot, Light Hoof and Rippling Moon among them. They wore the same fancy-looking furs that they'd worn to the feast. What remained of House Karst attended also. Lord Lammlyth Karst and his three children, Lord Traysul, and Lady Sofia had rather distant looks in their eyes. The hydromancers seemed disoriented by this disruption to their routines.

Curiously, Lady Ascania was absent. Enfri hadn't seen her since the battle and hoped that she was doing well. It was difficult to tell how much of current events Ascania was aware of. The cost of her elder magic left her living in a time when her sons were still boys and Sasha's father ruled a united Altier Nashal.

Ban's gone to see Ascania a lot since he returned. I haven't asked him about his mother. Maybe I should.

Further head counts were put on hold as the iron doors into the throne room opened at the conclusion of Sasha's address. Lady Deimi entered, hands folded in front of her. The bride wore an exquisite gown of gold and violet, the Drunov colors, and her reddish-brown hair was worn up in an elaborate headdress accented with rubies. Deimi's lips were pressed anxiously together as she walked in, and her eyes weren't unlike those of a soldier riding to battle.

Lord Vago the Drunov separated from the crowd near to the foot of the throne. He, unlike his daughter, wore an expression of triumph rather than the fatherly pride he perhaps should have been conveying instead.

Blustering snake, Enfri thought towards the one-armed lord. Upon seeing that vile smirk of his, Enfri decided that she certainly could find fault with Lord Vago.

Enfri then turned her attention back to Deimi where it belonged. She looked absolutely radiant. It was shameful that she couldn't be allowed to wear the gown to a wedding she wanted to be a part of. Enfri's heart went out to her. Deimi was as much a victim of her father's politicking as Sasha.

The throng parted for the bride, allowing her a clear path towards the throne. There was a moment where Deimi tore her eyes from her destination and looked to a young man she passed. The two of them met each other's gaze before Deimi moved on. Deimi swallowed, visibly distraught, and faced forward. The young nobleman watched her walk away with an expression of profound sorrow.

The exchange lasted less than a second, but Enfri saw enough to feel her heart break for Deimi all over again.

Winds and storms. This should be happy, but it just... isn't. Enfri stared into her bouquet and hoped that her tears would be thought of as the natural response to a wedding. Jin stood close, brushing their shoulders together. The simple gesture provided some measure of comfort.

Blood Runner: Book Three of the Empress SagaWhere stories live. Discover now