Cold Hard Steel.

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Danielle Sari is staring at her own ass in the mirror in the guard's locker room,

"Hey Bella do you think my pants look ok or should they be tighter?"

"Damn Gurl with that ass any tighter you'd incite a riot!"

Danielle laughs, "Yeah you're probably right." She slips her handcuffs onto her belt and winking at Bella heads out to begin her day shift.

Danielle loved her job she had been working as a prison guard for 3 years now. It's a job she never in her wildest dreams had thought she would ever be doing. During school she had focused on music and her culinary skills.

Once she had graduated from high school she didn't have the funds to go to college. Her music career didn't seem to be going anywhere and she ended up working in a restaurant waiting on tables, it was a low income job and the owner was nothing but a dirty old sleaze who enjoyed taking advantage of the staff, especially the young girls.

After what felt like the one millionth time being pinch on the behind by her sleazy boss Danielle eventually had enough and told him to fuck off. She removed her apron throwing it in his face before walking out never to return.

Angry at herself for losing her cool but also angry at her boss Danielle had decided to go for a walk to cool off and ended up at a little cafe on a corner, it was here whilst she was having a coffee that she had decided to look through the paper's employment section and noticed an ad advertising for prison guards and on a spur of the moment decision she decided to apply.

She ended up having to do a three month course learning first aid, how to handle a gun, what to do in a siege situation. She learnt self defence and the basic ins and outs of how a prison ran.

Once she had completed the course she was offered a job at Cedar Women's Correctional Facility located 20 miles north of Barstow, CA.

Danielle had no problem packing up and leaving Los Angeles, there was no one there worth staying for. She happily broke it off with her drop-kick of a boyfriend. They had been dating on and off for the last 4 months but Danielle had become tired of his lazy ass hanging around her place all day eating her food and drinking her beer.

She knew she was an attractive girl but yet for some reason she always seemed to be the one that attracted either losers or someone who was nice to begin with but ended up being mean and abusive.

She was sick of being treated like a piece of meat, it was time for Danielle to take back control of her own life and this was the perfect opportunity to do that.

Now 3 years on she had a job she loved and was good at, not to mention she had just paid a deposit on a new home.

She was also the one in control of her own life now and no longer had any losers hanging around annoying her.

A couple of the other older prison gaurds took her under their wing and showed her the ropes. Danielle  was a quick learner so it didn't take her long to notice the effect she had on the inmates, and because the inmate's sexual appetites were insatiable, she never had to worry about her own needs not being met.

She loved having complete and utter control over the inmates. She was the one that gave the orders and wasn't afraid to admit it turned her on knowing they were at her mercy. 


Este Haim walks into the inmates dining room and smiles to herself as she watches the other inmates quickly move out of her way. One inmate, head bowed nervously asked her if she would like a coffee, Este gives the girl permission to go make her one.

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