Chapter Eight

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I turned around to go to the town library. I get there and walk in. It's been a while since I have been here. Five years to be exact. I don't come to the library very often. Though, I do like to read.

So I walk in, and the librarian asks me if there was anything she could help me find. I politely decline her offer because I figured that asking for a non-fiction book about rainbow wolves sounds a little ludicrous to someone other than my well-being. So i walk into  an aisle labeled prehistoric animals. They have it alphabetized, so I go down the row until I start to see the letter "R." I find a whole section of books about Rainbow wolves.

So now I have to look for liable books.


Wait! Look to the left a little.

Okay. What do you see?

It looked like it was titled "Wonders of our Forest"? I think.

Hmmm...Oh I see it.

I find it, and pick it up.

The front cover is a picture of a wolf. It is rainbow colored.

Yay! This looks liable. I am going to check this out. Thank you wolf. Haha.

So I check it out, and take it home to read. I get home, and go inside. Before I lock myself in my bedroom, I raid the fridge. I make myself a nutella and fluff sammich. I also take a coke, with some chips. I don't have the healthiest eating habits. I go into my room and lock the door. I sit down, and I crack open "Wonders of our Forest."

The first page says this..."Of such power and beauty, the Rainbow wolves are by far the most ambitious and zealous creatures to walk our forests today. Rainbow wolves are really rare and are often stirred by anger. Their bright colours attract predators from miles away. They are very fast and spend most of their days in hiding from danger that lies in the forest."

After seeing this, my breath is taking away. Holy crap that was intense.

There is a knock at my door.

I quickly shove everything related to the topic of Rainbow wolves under the sheets of my bed, and stand up to go unlock my door. I open it, and find Monica standing on the other side of it.

Hmmm, I wonder what she wants.

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