My Christmas Love

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Merry Christmas Everybody! Hope y'all get the best in life. Love y'all

Merry Christmas Again! Ho Ho Ho


Justin's P.O.V

Today is the day. I can't wait anymore. I really just have to do this. I will do this.

I decide to take a shower and then dress into fresh new pair of clothes. Since no one's home and everybody are at Cailin's house for Christmas, I head to mall and take gifts for everybody.

After taking the gifts I drive to Cailin's house.

Cailin and me have been in relationship since 5years. I'm 21 years old and she is 20. She is the love of my life. Just the thought of Cailin makes me smile. She is beautiful.

After 10 mins of drive I reach Cailin's house which has all the Christmas decorations with all those lights. It gives me a warm feeling. I carry the gifts and then lock my car. Then I ring the doorbell which reveals my beautiful girlfriend Cailin.

"Hi baby" I say while smiling. She looks so beautiful.

"Hi love. Gimme the gifts I'll carry them" She says while smiling. Her smile is heaven.

I then enter her bunglow and see my mom,dad,jaxon,jazzy,fredo all sitting on the couch of the bunglow's living room. They all are eating Christmas cookies.

"Hi Justin" i hear Fredo saying and then comes near me to give a hug. "Hey" I say nicely.

"Merry Christmas everybody" I shout and everybody in the room smile at me and wish "merry christmas".

While I comfort myself on the sofa and grab a cookie. Jazzy and Jaxon come and give me a hug and I give them a kiss on their cheeks. Dad and Mom are chatting with Cailin's parents, Lisa and Jason. Cailin's 15 year old brother, Liam is busy on the video game. He is a cool kid.

Cailin comes in the living room and then sits near me. We all then talk and it was a good family time. Cailin's family and Cailin were family. Fredo who is busy with Ryan and Chaz just smiles at me signaling me to do the thing which I have planned today.

"Baby can I talk to you for a second?" I ask her. "Yeah sure babe" She says and then we head to Cailin's room.

"Ya tell me" She says while closing the door of her bedroom. I go to her and give her a small sweet kiss on her lips. She smiles."Um so baby I I" I stutter.

Damn what is wrong with me? Justin focus.

"Baby I I" I was about to say when we got interuppted by my mom. She has a wrong timing.

"What are you guys doing here? Come to the living room. We are having a familey game time" Mom say cheerily.

"Haha mom we are coming,we are coming." Cailin says. I love the way she calls my mom and day as "mom" and "dad" and I call her mom by "mom" and her dad by "dad". We love each other's families.

"Let's go down babe. Everyone is waiting" Cailin says nicely. "Yeah let's go" I say. 

Damn when am I going to say this to her? Justin don't stop trying.

Try till you succed

This line repeats in my mind again and again. I'll do it.

When everyone was playing I decide to stand up and 

"Um everyone, Can you all please listen to me for a second." I ask while smiling. They all just stop what they are doing and pay their attention towards me. Fredo,Ryan and Chaz give me a "go for it" look and I respond them with a smile.

"Um so Cailin I really love you and I hope you know that" I say and she blushes."Um so Cailin since we have been together for 5 and more years I want to stay with you forever. I really love you so much and I know you do too. Uh we have shared so many great moments and memories together. I love being with you. You're the love of my life. Um so" I was going to say when I just all of their faces in "aw" and they all were smiling so wide and Cailin just mouthed me "I love you so much too Justin"

"Um so Ms. Cailin will you uh marry me" I say.

Yes I just said it. This was my gift for her. I truly love her so much.

Everyone were shocked except Fredo who just grinned wide because he saw it coming.

Cailin just stood there with deep red blush on her cheeks and she was smiling. That gave me some confidence.

"Yes I will marry you Mr. Justin Drew Bieber" Cailin says while she walks towards me and gives me a kiss on my lips. I pull her in a hug. 

Everybody just claps and are happy for us. Everyone comes and congratulate us and our parents are super happy for us.

Well this was a perfect Christmas. The love of my life will now be mine forever.


OMG! I think this is most cutest imagine I have ever written omg! Loved it lol

I am weird.

Well I hope you guys liked it and once again Merry Christmas to all of you :)



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