Will You Be My Girlfriend?

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This is dedicated to the amazing Bri aka _chasingthesun_ . Gurl you're perfect and your imagines are amazing too. I love you :)


Bri's P.O.V

Today was such a boring day damn! But something was really weird today but I kinda liked. I saw my "good" friend Justin smile at me randomly or just stare at me during the lunch or during the class. I couldn't help but blush. He is so perfect and I think I'm already in love with him. I really don't know. But damn he stared at me.

It was 5pm in the evening and I decided to take a walk in the park of Stratford with my headphones on. I just love this like me being alone and listening to my favourite songs.It made me feel calm and positive.

As I was walking I saw Justin and Ryan and Chaz. They all just smiled at me. Then I saw a girl joining them and that was our friend Caitlin was walking with them too. They all coming towards me.

I take my headphones off and Justin greets me.

"Hi Bri" Justin says with a smile on his face.He looked perfect in that white t-shirt and black jeans and his beanie. I love when he wears beanies,it really looks good on him. I fangirl over him literally.

"Hey Justin" I say and then he pulls me into a hug. Well that was very awkward. I didn't expect him to do that.

I then see Ryan,Chaz and Caitling grinning. Well something is really fishy over here. Are they planning tp prank me or something?

Justin then pulls away.

"Hey guys" I say to Ryan,Chaz and Caitlin.They all reply back with a "hi".

"So guys what's up?" I ask them. "Nothing we were just hanging out. Just come and join us" Justin says with a smile. "Yeah sure" I reply back.

We then all sit on a bench and just chat and then we all decide to go to Justin's place and hang out for sometime and it was just 6pm and I had time till 8pm.So that was good with me.

"So Bri how's everything?" I hear Caitlin ask me. "Um everything's good. What about Cait?" I reply. I love calling her Cait. I don't know why but the nickname "Cait" suits her.

"I'm all good" She replies with a grin. Me and Cait were sitting by ourselves having that girl's talk and then we both hear Ryan,Justin and Chaz laugh loud at some joke Ryan just cracked.

"What's going on guys?" Cait asks them. "Nothing lol" Justin replies. Me and Cait exchange weird glances. These boys are awkward.

Me and Cait decide to join them and then we all suddenly laugh like crazy at a joke I cracked it was about that "Slutty" Natasha of our school. She slept with mostly all the boys of our school.

"Bri you're funny" Justin says with a grin. "I know I try I try" I say while laughing.

Justin's P.O.V

"Bri your funny" I say to her while grinning. "I know I know I try I try" She replies and laughs. She is cute.

Well I really like Bri. She is perfect and she is an amazing girl.

"Bri,Will you be my girlfriend?" I say.

Ok what the fuck did I just say. I know I like her and I have a crush on her since a long time and I was going to ask her out soon but I didn't expect it to come out this way.

Suddenly everyone in the room sat in silence and they were in utter shock. Bri had her mouth open.

"Um Justin" Bri says. "What was that?" She manages to say since she was shocked too."Be my girlfriend" I repeat again.

Bri's P.O.V

Okay what the fuck did Justin just say? He is -is asking me out. Man I didn't expect that. 

"Yes" I just say.

"Wait what did I just hear?" he says unbelieving my answer. "Yes Justin" I repeat again.I see Cait Ryan and Chaz just grin. I knew they saw it coming. Damn.

"Wow I mean Bri I really like you." Justin says with a little blush across his face. Aw he was blushing and so was I.

"I like you too Justin" I say while blushing  really hard. "So it's official?" Justin asks. "It is" I say. 

He then smiles and pulls me into a long warming hug.

"WE SAW THIS COMING" Ryan,Chaz and Caitlin shout as if they just won some match. Haha.

Me and Justin just smile while he has his hands on my back. He leans into a kiss and we share a small sweet kiss. I gave my first kiss to the person I truly like.


So this was it! I hope you liked it Bri :)



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